What is the TeNaKh?
Torah, Neviim, Ketiviim
What are the four gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
what is salvation and liberation?
free from sin, saved from the kingdom of darkness, etc
What is a parable?
A short story in context with a deeper meaning
What is genre?
the type of literature or writing
What are the five books of the pentateuch?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
What are the synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke
What is eschatology?
The study of the ends, potentially the end of days or God’s end goals.
What is a miracle?
The power of God revealed, something supernatural
What is a gentile?
What are the 5 covenants?
Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, New Covenant
What are the four genres in the New Testament?
gospels, narrative, letters, apocalyptic
What are 3 metaphors that represent the trinity?
cords, egg, sun, candle, nescafé, etc.
What is the sermon on the mount?
Jesus’ new law, new teaching, of the Kingdom of God.
His most famous sermon
includes the beatitudes
What is atonement and sanctification?
atonement: payment for sins, covered by Christ’s sacrifice and blood
sanctification: being made holy, to be set apart and holy
What are 5 spiritual practices?
prayer, fasting, solitude, generosity, scripture, community, service, witness, sabbath
What is the purpose of the letters? Why were they written?
To encourage, teach, correct the church.
To help define right theology and faith.
To make clear the relationship between Jews and gentiles.
What is incarnation and the hypostatic union?
hypostatic union: He was fully God and fully man (humanity & divinity)
What are 3 miracles Jesus did?
water into wine, healing the blind, healing the leper, healing the paralytic, delivering the man from legion, resurrecting Jarius’s daughter, resurrecting Lazarus, healing the bleeding woman
Which covenant was conditional?
The ruler or measure, decided by the early church, about what was inspired by God and helpful to teaching and training in righteousness.
What are the two different types of letters?
Pauline and Church letters
What is justification and regeneration?
Justification- freedom from debt, to stand rightly before God
Regeneration- to be born again of the Holy Spirit
What are 4 parables Jesus taught?
parable of the sower, the tenants, the talents, the mustard seed, lazarus and the rich man, pharisee & tax collector, etc.
Describe New Creation and use scripture to support you.
2 Cor 5:17
Rev. 21