Viewpoint that would be against zoos
One thing that could influence EVS
religion, education, social media, etc.
What kind of system returns to a different state after disturbance?
State one way to decrease water consumption
Eat less meat, take less shower, take shorter showers, recycle water, etc
What are inputs for a population?
Birth, immigration
Location of the Fukushima disaster
Two of the principles of circular economy (there are three)
eliminate, circulate, regenerate
State difference between a transfer and a transformation.
Transfer is a change in location while a transformation is a change in state of matter.
can be caused by unsustainable use of fresh water by humans or by the lack of economic investment
water scarcity
State what is meant by the term doubling time.
years for a population to double in size at its current growth rate
State the significance of Bhopal disaster.
gas leak and showed 'ugly' side of industrialization in impoverished areas
Domains of sustainability
economy, society, environment
State the importance of tipping points
fixing the problem after this point may be difficult, system is past the point of no return
Three ways to reduce overfishing
rationing, no catch zones, fines, reduce by catch, etc
Compare and contrast pro-natalist and anti-natalist.
Both involve views on reproducing. Pro-natalist is for having babies while anti-natalist is against it in order to lower the population
Compare and contrast isolated and open systems.
Open systems exchange energy and matter while isolated exchanges neither. Both are systems.
There are other similarities and differences, but these are the main ones.
Define GDP
total money value of all final goods and services produced in an economy over a given period
Define resilience
ability of a system to "bounce back" after a disturbance
Three categories of monitoring water quality and one way to test one of the categories.
pH strips, secchi disk, etc
If the total population of a country is 40,000 and the birth rate is 3,000, calculate the CBR of the country.
(3000/40000) x 1000= 75
Who wrote and what was the importance of Silent Spring?
Rachel Carson, discouraged the use of DDT
(there are other acceptable answers for importance)
What is something that does not influence resilience?
only the size of producers, only one genetic species, etc
Give and define three flows of the hydrological cycle
Transpiration- process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants
Sublimation- transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state
Evaporation- process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor
Condensation- any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravitational pull from clouds
Advection (wind)- Windblown movement
Precipitation- change of the state of matter from the gas phase into the liquid phase
Surface Runoff- flow of water occurring on the ground surface when excess rainwater, stormwater, meltwater, or other sources, can no longer sufficiently rapidly infiltrate in the soil
Infiltration- process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil
Percolation- movement of water through the soil (filter)
Stream Flow- flow of water in streams, rivers, and other channels
Freezing- process where a liquid turns into a solid
Melting- becoming liquefied by heat
Define maximum sustainable yield
largest crop or catch that can be taken from the stock of a species
State the kind of pyramid that is pictured.
rapid growth