Natural Selection
Evidence for Evolution
Who wrote Origin of Species- a book that changed Biology and the world in the 1850's? AND Name one other biologist that assisted in building evolutionary theory.
Who is Charles Darwin AND Cuvier, Linneaus, Erasmus Darwin
This form of evidence looks at ancient artifacts of once living organisms retained in layers of the earth. These artifacts may help us know how previous species lived and where they were present, etc.
What is fossil evidence?
The reason why DNA be unzipped prior to Replication
What is so that it can be read on both the leading and lagging strands for accurate copying?
Selection toward the mean- example ; human birth weight.
What is Stabilizing selection?
Form of evidence that relies on molecular biology and has confirmed many previous hypotheses about evolutionary relationships among living things, even with humans and our prior ancestors!
What is DNA evidence/Genetics?
Ribonucleic acid ____________ DNA so that it can be read properly in order to make proteins.
What is transcribes?
Selection towards one extreme or the other within a population, may change over time. Example: very light and dark phenotypes in a species of moth.
What is Directional Selection?
Examining the existence and origins of species across areas. May shed light on evolutionary relationships.
What is biogeography?
___________ (organelle) interpret or _____________ RNA and makes proteins by generating one amino acid for every 3 RNA codes.
What is ribosomes, translate
When two extremes of phenotypes are selected for equally; example; blue and brown lazuli buntings (birds)
What is Diversifying Selection?
Examining anatomical similarities - homologies and anologies
What is comparative anatomy?
Explain the Central Dogma of Molecular Bio.
What is - that DNA must be replicated , transcribed, and then translated before it can generate proteins. This is the basis for all genetic traits- this process. This is called the Central Dogma because it is true for ALL living things.
DAILY DOUBLE ;) Explain male-male competition and give a species example OR Explain a female dominant scenario and how she may base her "choosiness"
What is competition for female access , competition among males increase in both ornamental/exaggerated phenotypes in males vs females and also behavioral adaptations to compete for females. In female dominant groups, females may look for different traits for males- ability to acquire resources (food, territory) , ability to serve the group (protection, offspring rearing)
Daily DOuBLE!!!! ;) Discuss one major misconception about evolution regarding humans AND correct it.
instructor will interpret. May be origin of humans and apes? When we moved out of Africa, etc.
A sequence of nucleotide bases are not translated correctly and cause a mutation in a gene that causes hemoglobin to not be made correctly. (hemoglobin is a protein) What PHYSIOLOGICAL effects may happen and how would that impact a person for instance?
What is that hemoglobin would not be able to carry O2 or iron effectively. This would cause someone to potentially get iron anemia, feel tired often because of a lower O2 saturation in the blood, lower Cellular resp potential due to low O2. Etc..