Chapter 1,2,3
Chapter 5,4,8
Chapter 6,7,9
Chapter 12,15,16

The circular method used to do psychological research.

What is the scientific method?


The focuses of chapter 5,4, and 8

What is Sensation and perception, States of Consciousness, and Memory?


Someone with a damaged Wernickes area will struggle with this.

What is speech comprehension? 


The focuses of Chapter 6,7, and 9

What is learning, thinking and intelligence, and Lifespan development?


Intrapersonal vs Interpersonal.

What is issues within yourself, and issues between you and others?


Ideas focused on by Wundt, Frued, and James

What is Structuralism, Psychoanalytic theory, and Functionalism?


One might become nose blind after a while for this reason.

What is sensory adaptation?


Example Variable interval and fixed interval vs Variable ratio and fixed ratio.

What is... Checking for a new text message or email, A weekly paycheck for showing up to work vs Gambling on a slot machine and a factory worker getting paid after making 10 products?

Define Semantics, Syntax, and Pragmatics
What is the literal meaning, the significance of order on meaning, and the meaning based on context and audience?

Diathesis stress perspective describes this.

What is the idea that someone is more likely to have a disorder if geneticly predisposed and put in scnenarios that could bring on symptoms?


Mamie Phipps Clark & Kenneth Clark are responsible for this study, and instrumental in this important court case. 

What is the doll study exposing the effects of segregation, and brown v board of education? 


Implicit memory refers to _____ Where as explicit refers to _____.

What is Memories not part of our conscious learned through behaviors and habits, and memories we consciously remember and recall such as episodic and semantic memories?"

The Atkinsons-Shriffin model of memory refers to this. State vs Context dependent learning refers to this.
What is the model of memory Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval? Also What is having an easier time retrieving things in the same emotional state you encode them vs an easier time retrieving in the same surroundings that you encoded the information?

The three intelligence theories we talked about in class and their individual characteristics.

What is spearman who believed in a singular factor G, Trairchic theory which focuses on three different types of intelligence, and multiplen intelligence theory which focuses on 8 different types of intelligence


The difference between Antipsychotic and atypical antipsychotic medication's, and what disorder they are used for.

What is Used for Schizophrenia, and atypical 


Describe or draw a graph that would best represent the correlation coefficient of -.81

What is a graph going in the negative direction with scatter points closely resembling a line in a singular direction.


The difference between bottom up and top down processing.

What is making sense of sensory information given to you, versus using previous knowledge and context to interpret stimuli and situations to make the most sense of them?

Every Stage in Psychosocial lifespan theory. 

What is... Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs Shame/doubt, Initiative vs Guilt, Industry vs, Inferiority, Identity vs Confusion, Intimacy vs Isolation, Generativity vs Stagnation, Integrity vs Despair?


Concrete operational stage is apart of _______ lifespan theory, and it is the time when you develop______,______, during ages _____.

What is Cognitive theory, Conservation, and reversibility during ages 7-11 years old


To be diagnosed with GED, PTSD, and Major depressive disorder you must experience symptoms for _____,_____,_____ and these symptom's must effect your life this way.  

What is every day for 6 months, every day for one month, and nearly every day for two weeks, and these symptoms must have crippling effects to your life?  


Describe the function of a neuron, as well as its individual parts and functions.

What is the neuron is used as a transportation system for sensory information. Parts include Cell membrane, Soma, Dendrites, Axel, Myelin Sheath, and Terminal buttons.


The part of the brain that controls homeostasis, the brains clock mechanism, the hormone secretor, and the hormone secreted to initiate sleep

What is hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, pineal gland, and melatonin?


Create a classical conditioning scenario labeling your UCS,UCR,NS,CS,CR.

What is...Tyler tases Andrew every time his text message tone goes off. After a while when Andrew hears his text tone go off her get scared and jumps because he thinks he's being tased. UCS: Getting tased, UCR: Jumping/reaction to the tase NS: His text tone CS: Text tone CR: Jumping/reaction to being tased?


Example Variable interval and fixed interval vs Variable ratio and fixed ratio.

What is... Reinforcer comes at varied times with after the desired behavior, a reinforcer is provided after fixed amount of times after target behavior is provided vs A reinforcer is provided after a variable number of responses and a reinforcer is provided after a fixed number of responses?


An Example of Fundamental attribution, Actor-Observer , Self-serving bias, and Just world hypothesis. These ideas are discussed in chapter _____.

What is... FA: Saying Rachel is lazy because she showed up to class late. AO: Saying Rachel is late because she is lazy but then saying you were late due to traffic. SS: Saying the professor made the questions harder when you fail, but when you pass its because you studied. JW: Saying that a homeless person is probably a bad person so they deserve to be homeless. These ideas are discussed in chapter 12?
