Antiviral & Antifungal

 Chemotherapy drugs are not effective in what type of tissue?

What is low-growth fraction ( G0 phase)


Name one of the major drugs that should be considered in the plan of care for a client diagnosed with Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)?

What is: antacids (short term), histamine 2 receptor antagonist, proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics (H. pylori).


 Serum test performed for routine diabetes evaluation?

What is Hgb A1C?


Name 2 diagnostic tests that can be used to diagnose TB?

What is chest-xray and sputum culture?

Remember to obtain cultures prior to start of any antifungal, antiviral, or antibiotic 


 Name the drug class that has the most common cause of drug allergies, is a bactericidal, and remains the drug of choice for many infections?

 What are penicillins?

 *Review all classess of penicillins ie: narrow or broad.


 Chemotherapy will be the most effective for a neoplastic tumor if the malignancy is?

What is growing rapidly! (high-growth fraction)


 Name a common histamine (H2)-receptor antagonists (antisecretory agents)-blocks receptors and decreases acid secretion.  Used for GERD &  to treat or prevent ulcers.

cimetidine (Tagamet) and famotidine (Pepcid)

Order insulin should be drawn up if they are going to be mixed in one syringe.

What is colorless insulin first followed by the cloudy insulin?


TB treatment plan used to prevent emergence of resistant organisms aside from strict compliance?

What is use of 2 or more meds.


This is the most widely used drug class of antibiotics with a similar structure to penicillin, toxicity is low, common names are cefazolin (Ancef), cephalexin (Keflex), ceftriaxone (Rocephin), and should be used with caution with severe PCN allergies.

What are cephalosporins?


 A female client receives an antineoplastic drug for the treatment of breast cancer.  The nurse observes for adverse reactions and takes the client’s vital signs routinely (temp).  What is the primary rationale for the nurse’s actions?

What is changes in vital signs can indicate an infection as a result of bone marrow depression (neutropenia).


 Common drugs that inhibit gastric acid pump of the parietal cells?

What are PPIs

omeprazole (Prilosec), esomeprazole (Nexium), pantoprazole (Protonix)


 Regular insulin is the only insulin that can be given via 2 different routes, name the routes?

What is SQ & IV


 Common but unusual adverse effect seen with the use of rifampin (Rifadin)?

What is discoloration of body fluids (red-orange, sweat, saliva, & tears)


A common bacteriostatic (suppress bacterial growth but do not kill), absorption is effected by calcium, milk and iron supplements, and is the primary treatment for Rickettsial diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

What is tetracycline?

 *Remember it’s effects on the bone & teeth and the potential risk of super infections!


 Most serious complication of chemotherapy?

Neutropenia (loss of neutrophils) = Infection


 This drug class neutralizes gastric acid by buffering hydrochloric acid, increasing tone of the LES, & increasing resistance to irritation.


What are antacids? 

* Remember to review antacid contents with specific disease process.


Sulfonylurea an oral hypoglycemic agents MOA?

What is stimulate the release of insulin by Beta cells of the pancreas. 

 **Don’t forget to check for Sulfa allergies**


 A broad spectrum antifungal agent amphotericin B (Fungizone) is considered highly toxic ranging from infusion reaction (fever, chills, nausea, HA) to a more severe complication?

What is renal damage or nephrotoxicity  **Monitor urine output & infuse 1000ml NS along with med infusion**


 Vancomycin is the big gun!  Given IV, it is used to treat MRSA with the adverse effects of ototoxicity when plasma levels exceed 30, red man syndrome, & thrombophlebitis.  What disorder does Vancomycin treat when given PO?

What is clostridium difficile colitis?


When a patient receiving chemo is at the highest risk for infection and experiencing the lowest neutrophil count between days 10-14 is a period called?

What is Nadir?


Regarding laxatives, MOM acts within 4 hours, bulk forming metamucil acts within 24-48 hours (like dietary fiber), the time frame for stool softeners(docusate) is?

What is 1-3 days?


Coma or a decreased mental status are the most life-threatening signs associated with hypoglycemia. Name 2 other signs/symptoms associated with hypoglycemia.

What is nervousness, diaphoresis, anxiety, irritability, shakiness, and tachycardia?



Common anti-viral drug that treats herpes simplex and varicella zoster viruses.

What is acyclovir?


 Aminoglycosides – bactericidal, often referred to as the MYCINS, include drugs such as gentamicin.  This drug class can cause serious injury to the inner ear (ototoxicity) and kidney (nephrotoxicity) – Name one nursing measure that can be performed to prevent this?

What is measure serum peaks & troughs?


 3 modalities to treat cancerous solid tumors?

 What is radiation, surgery, & debulking


 Prokinetic agent metoclopramide (Reglan) acts by?

Increases lower esophageal sphincter pressure and peristalsis (increases/speeds up emptying time or motility)


Nursing education that can be taught to a diabetic patient who is at home experiencing hypoglycemia?

What is eat rapid-acting high sugar foods such as juice or candy?


Amphotericin B is a broad spectrum antifungal. Pre and post fluids are administered with this drug to decrease the risk of this adverse effect.

What is nephrotoxicity?


Sulfonamides – trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazol (TMP/SMZ) Bactrim is the 1st line treatment for UTI’s. Name 3 educational interventions your patients should be aware of while taking these meds?

What is: avoid prolonged sun exposure – wear sunscreen (you may experience a rash or photosensitivity)

 Crystalluria – must drink 8-10 glasses of water.

 Drug interactions – intensifies effects of coumadin, dilantin & sulfonylureas (DM meds) often leading to hypoglycemia.
