What does Hace Sol mean?
Its Sunny.
What time is 8:31 in Spanish?
Son las ocho y treinta y uno
What does Viernes mean?
What month does Mayo mean?
De Donde Eres?
Soy de Baltimore or Soy de Baltimore, MD.
What does Hace Humedo mean?
Its humid.
What time is 11:15 in Spanish?
Son las once y cuarto
What day of the week is Lunes?
What does Enero mean?
Translate this question: Cuantos anos tienes?
How old are you?
What season does June, July, & August fall in?
El Verano
What time is it?
Son las diez y diez
Translate this date: Es el diecisiete de diciembre.
It is the 17th of December.
What month is Easter in?
Translate this question: Cual es tu dirrecion?
What is your address?
Translate this sentence: Hace frio y parcialmente nublado.
Its cold and partially cloudy.
What time is this?
Son las ocho y media
What two days make up the weekend?
Sabado y Domingo
What does this question mean, Cuando es tu cumpleanos?
When is your birthday?
How do you ask someone "How are you?" in Spanish?
Como estas?
What does Esta Lloviendo mean?
Its raining
What time in Spanish does the doors open in the morning for students?
Son las ocho y cincuenta
What is this date in Spanish?
Es el trienta de Octubre.
August & November
Translate this question: en que vives?
what do you live in?