Elements of Fiction
Sound Devices
Figurative Language
Adverbs & Adjectives
More Elements of Fiction
The literary term for a person or animal in a story.
What is character?
"Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" is an example of:
What is alliteration?
"Her hair was as black as night"- this is an example of:
What is simile?
Jonathan felt the material of his father's uniform gently. What is the adverb and what it is it modifying?
What is gently and felt?
This is the author's feelings toward his or her subject.
What is tone?
Where a story takes place- both physically and chronologically.
What is setting?
"If you are a dreamer, come in, if you are are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hope-er, a pray-er"- The repetition of the "r" sound example of what sound device?
What is consonance?
"O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear." This is a simile, but also this other type of figurative language that appeals to the five senses.
What is imagery?
She chided him as he peered through the velvety blackness of night. What is the adjective and what is it modifying?
What is velvety and blackness?
This is the way that a piece of literature makes the reader feel.
What is mood?
This is the main idea or message that the author conveys with their writing. Every story or poem has one!
What is theme?
The repeating of end sounds of words is called:
What is rhyme?
"So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay." There is an ________ in this poem.
What is Allusion?
The edge of the key felt sharp. What is the adjective and what is it modifying?
What is sharp & key?
If you are reading something and using clues in the text to help yourself understand it and think about it deeply, what are you doing?
What is making inferences?
Any person, place, or object that stands for something else.
What is a symbol?
It hushes/it shushes/ it flitter-twitters/ and whitely whirs away. This is an example of what sounds devices? Give at least two and explain your answer.
What is onomatopoeia, consonance, assonance, alliteration, rhyme.
"Thy eternal summer shall not fade" is an example of what type of figurative language?
What is a metaphor?
The author drew his inspiration mostly from a manual. What is the adverb and what is it modifying?
What is mostly & drew?
When Billy notices that there were no coats at the landlady's house and she told him he had nice teeth, these were examples of what?
What is foreshadowing?
There are two basic types on conflict. What are they?
What are internal and external?
The bells "jingling and tinkling" is an example of what TWO sound devices?
What are assonance and onomatopoeia?
"In the spring, I asked the daisies if his words were true/ and the clever-clear eyed daisies always knew," This is an example of what type of figurative language?
What is personification?
"The boy looked quickly through the papers." What is the adverb and what is it modifying?
What are quickly and looked?
If you are reading a story told from the perspective of a story's hero, what is that perspective called? Also, what is another name for the hero of a story?
What are first person and protagonist?