Transfers: Bed/Chair/Wheelchair - Mr. Tate needs supervision to move from the bed to the chair. He uses a wheelchair for safety during the day, and a helper needs to make sure the brakes are locked, the foot rests are raised and cues are given before he transfers into the wheelchair.
5 Setup/Supervision
Fast non-invasive test that provides sectional imaging of bone and most soft tissues, especially useful for chest and abdomen.
Computed Tomography (CT), or CAT scan
The ability to remain focused on the various aspects of an activity or experience.
Elevated K+
On average how many bones are in the adult human body?
Locomotion: Walk - Mr. Tate is restless and agitated, and frequently paces the floor with his sitter and his wife. He requires hand held assistance to walk 200 feet. His wife is usually able to redirect him, however, about once daily, additional staff members are needed to help him walk back to his room.
1 Total
Relatively expensive and time-consuming non-invasive test used to provide visualization of soft tissues (almost any structure of the body).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The process of interpreting sensory information received from the environment.
Type of precaution associated w/decreased WBC (<1.5)
What is the hardest working muscle in the body?
Mrs. M keeps her grooming supplies in a basket at the sink. She needs to sit at the sink for safety concerns. Once she is seated at the sink, she is able to wash, rinse and dry her face and hands, clean her dentures and comb her hair without assistance. Mrs. M does not wear make-up.
7 Independent
This study uses a radionucleotide injected intravenously to visualize area of increased metabolic activity in bone.
Bone scan or Bone Scintigraphy
A process where what has been experienced or learned is registered and stored, and can be recalled at will.
This reference value shows the average level of blood glucose control over the past 3 months.
Hgb A1C
What is the world's leading cause of blindness?
Diabetic Retinopathy
Transfers: Toilet - Mrs. M uses a bedpan for toileting, with a helper emptying the bedpan after use.
0. Cannot assess if patient is not able to use toilet or commode.
When using ABCs to interpret musculoskeletal radiographs, the A stands for...
The expression of ideas, thoughts, and feelings through language.
Therapeutic INR range for stroke prophylaxis.
Bathmophobia is the irrational fear of...
Slopes or Stairs
Which of these is not considered a basic activity of daily living (BADL):
Oral hygiene.
Sexual Activity.
An invasive procedure in which a catheter and contrast material are used in conjuction w/x-rays, CT, or MRI to visualize blood vessels throughout the body.
Cognitive disorder characterized by drowsiness, confusion, falling, agitation, and sometimes aggression. Can be associated w/sedation, dementia, and change in environment (light, familiar people, and objects).
Sundowner syndrome
A patient develops a new DVT despite receiving a preventative dosage of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). What is the recommended waiting time ,since administration of the therapeutic (higher) dose, before mobilizing the patient?
May check with MD in 3-5 hrs.
Mobilize after 5hrs.
I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?
A Bed