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They don't remember exactly, but this is how much they estimate Tete spent on their engagement ring.

Tete said $2,000. Mom said $1,000. So closest answer to $1,500 wins.


Name as many countries that BOTH Mom and Tete have traveled to together. Max of 10.

Answers may vary.


This is something Tete did when working on a construction site with the Foreman's son on a hot summer day. The foreman caught them and they got in trouble. Let's just say, they needed a break.

snuck over to an air conditioned bar and had a drink


What amazing fact do Uncle Mike and his brother Edmund share? 

They were born in the same year.


This is how much Mom and Tete paid for the cottage.



Name as many people as you can in Mom and Tete's wedding party.

Answers will vary.


One of Mom's best friends growing up was Sydney. They aren't very close anymore but, as a kid, Mom got to do this with Syndey and her family a LOT. It's something that carried over in to adulthood. 

Travel all over the world. 


Mom's Dad gave Uncle Vyts something really valuable. What was it?

His first car, a Chevy Impala.


This is how much Mom and Tete paid for the Lisle house. 



Name as many of Mom's jobs as you can. 

Answers will vary.


Mom and Tete had connections to Union Pier long before they bought the cottage. In fact, their families stayed in the same rental unit. Where did their families stay? Double the points if you know what it was called.

Venta (the FireFly)


As she put it, why does Mom "cherish Emma and Elise"? You need to be specific here.

She's been surrounded by boys her whole life.


What year did they buy the Lisle house? The Cottage?

1981 and 1986


These are the names of all 4 parents/grandparents.

Need correct spellings for full credit!

Aldona, Ignas, Janina, Dimitrius


In one of Tete's early jobs, he worked at a hot dog/beef restaurant. On a day he closed the store, what was one of his courageous and gluttonous goals? (I'm glad Paul didn't do this while working at McDonald's).

Eat one of everything on the menu.


Who else got married the same year Mom and Tete did?

Uncle Al


How long were they dating before they got engaged? How long were Mom and Tete engaged before they married?

5-6 years and 1 year
