That's an Idiom
Poetic Devices
Test Taking Strategies

Mr. Johnson looked up at the sky. It was clear as far as the eye could see, except for the cruel sun. The insatiable sun drained the land of all moisture. He cursed the sun. Mr. Johnson ran his fingers through one of the rows of dirt and grabbed a handful. It was bone dry, almost powdery. He let the dirt sift through his fingers and it turned to dust in the wind. Mr. Johnson put his hands on his hips and surveyed the field. It was well seeded, that he knew. He had seeded it himself, yet nothing sprang from the dirt. "Well, there's only one thing left to do," he said to himself. Mr. Johnson headed to church.

Why is Mr. Johnson cursing the sun? BE SPECIFIC!

It's drying up all of his crops.


Angela is having the time of her life on a cruise ship with food and fun all around her. Just as she is preparing for the limbo competition, the ship crashes into an iceberg, which punctures the hull and causes the ship to sink. Now she and a group of strangers must fight for survival on a life raft deep in the ice-cold ocean waters with limited supplies. Can she stay alive until a rescue team arrives?

Who/what is the protagonist, antagonist, and type of conflict?

Pro - Angela

Ant - Iceberg

Conflict: Character vs Nature


When the politician was caught stealing from the taxpayers, everyone thought he would receive a severe punishment, but all he got was a slap on the wrist.

A minor punishment, nothing severe.


Amid this hot green glowing gloom

A word falls with a raindrop's boom

Alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm


You are in the middle of a reading passage when the words start getting blurry and you're starting to doze off. What should you do?

Ask to get water or go to the bathroom. Take a quick break if you need it!


Mr. Johnson looked up at the sky. It was clear as far as the eye could see, except for the cruel sun. The insatiable sun drained the land of all moisture. He cursed the sun. Mr. Johnson ran his fingers through one of the rows of dirt and grabbed a handful. It was bone dry, almost powdery. He let the dirt sift through his fingers and it turned to dust in the wind. Mr. Johnson put his hands on his hips and surveyed the field. It was well seeded, that he knew. He had seeded it himself, yet nothing sprang from the dirt. "Well, there's only one thing left to do," he said to himself. Mr. Johnson headed to church.

Why does Mr. Johnson go to church at the end of the passage?

To pray for rain.


John Black is a computer hacker with the latest and most powerful encryption software installed on his system. Unfortunately, he has managed to lose the only copy of his 46-character password. Now John must summon all of his expertise and perhaps get a bit lucky to break into his own system.

Who/what is the protagonist, antagonist, and conflict type?

Pro - John Black

Ant - His encryption software/forgotten password

Conflict - Character vs. Technology


We thought that our neighbors, the Jones family, were rich beyond our wildest dreams, but it turns out that we're all in the same boat.

They were in the same situation/financial situation.


The little clattering stones along the street

Dance with each other around my swimming feet.

Onomatopoeia, rhyme, rhythm, personification

You're reading a passage and there's an unfamiliar word that you don't know the meaning of. What skill should you practice to understand it?

Context clues!


Emilio took the cap off his head, dropped the baseball bat, and rested his elbows on the fence. It wasn't that he couldn't find the ball. It was sitting right in the middle of the lawn, just beyond the fence. The fence was not very high either. Emilio could probably get a running start, grab the top of the fence, and flip right over it. But there was a dog, a large Rottweiler with a spiked collar. He sat under an awning a few feet away from the ball. He looked at Emilio and let out a menacing growl. Archie, Scotty, and Dutch ran up to Emilio and surveyed the situation. Archie was the first to speak. "So, are you going to do it, Emilio?"

What were the boys doing right before the text begins?

They were playing baseball and someone hit a homerun.


Jason has moved to the Oklahoma territory in hopes of starting a new and better life for his family as a farmer. There's just one problem: Jason can't get any crops to grow on his land. He's tried using fertilizers, rotating crops, and praying, but the land remains barren. Just as Jason's dream is about to end, he is assisted by the Native American medicine man who teaches Jason how to properly nurture his crops on this land, but is it too late?

Who/what is the protagonist, antagonist, and conflict type?

Pro - Jason

Ant - the land

Conflict - character vs nature


I thought Janet would be a good worker, but it turns out that she can't cut the mustard.

Lazy and can't keep up


Click-clack, click-clack, the hour is chill,

The dead coach climbs the distant hill

Onomatopoeia, alliteration, repetition, rhythm, rhyme
You've read a long passage about a far away land filled with gruesome battles over a princess. The question asks you to identify the example of foreshadowing in paragraph four. What should you do now?

Look back at paragraph four to find the example


Emilio took the cap off his head, dropped the baseball bat, and rested his elbows on the fence. It wasn't that he couldn't find the ball. It was sitting right in the middle of the lawn, just beyond the fence. The fence was not very high either. Emilio could probably get a running start, grab the top of the fence, and flip right over it. But there was a dog, a large Rottweiler with a spiked collar. He sat under an awning a few feet away from the ball. He looked at Emilio and let out a menacing growl. Archie, Scotty, and Dutch ran up to Emilio and surveyed the situation. Archie was the first to speak. "So, are you going to do it, Emilio?"

Why is the problem Emilio's instead of Archie's, Scotty's, or Dutch's?

Emilio is the one who hit the ball over the fence.

Fran was once the best ballerina dancer in Europe, until he was involved in a tragic dancing accident that shattered his anklebone. After several surgeries and months of physical therapy, Fran was told that he might never dance again. Join Fran as he pushes the limits of recovery and anatomy on a quest to regain his former grace and poise as a lead dancer.

Who/what is the protagonist, antagonist, and conflict type?

Pro - Fran

Ant - shattered anklebone

Conflict - Character vs. Self


Julie thought her mom would let her go to the party, but no dice.

Didn't work, can't convince


O'er leagues of land and water a weary way you'll go

Before you'll find the country where the blue roses grow.

alliteration, rhyme


A question has you completely stumped. The answers all sound like they could be right, some more than others. What should you do to try your best and get the answer correct?

Eliminate answers that you know are incorrect or don't make as much sense. That way you have fewer choices and a higher chance of selecting the right one!


Troy moved the cloth in a circular direction on his car's fender. Troy loved this car. It wasn't a racecar, but he took care of it like it was. Next, he wiped down the trunk with the chamois and then the bumper. He put the chamois down and took a step back, putting his hands on his hips and admiring his work. The chrome bumper shined dazzingly. Suddenly, Troy felt a cool breeze. He heard a distand crack of thunder and noticed a storm cloud rolling in from the west. Troy kicked the water bucket over and said, "Doggone it!"

Why does Troy get mad at the end of the passage?

He washed his car for nothing (it's going to rain).


Frank MAcho is a former CIA operative with an extensive background in weapons and combat training. When a criminal organization kidnaps Frank's son in a foreign country, Frank will stop at nothing to save him. Join Frank as he travels around the world to beat up a bunch of different people in order to save his son.

Who/what is the protagonist, antagonist, and main conflict?

Pro - Frank

Ant - Criminal organization

Conflict - character vs character


Working at the Burger King was at first overwhelming to Kyle, but now he knows the ropes.

Understands something, knows what to do


All his thoughts as a river flowed,

Flowed aflame as fleet he rode

alliteration, rhyme, repetition


It's the night before your English SOL. What should you do before the next morning?

