13 colonies
American Revolution
US Government
Mrs. Queer's choice

This was the first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


Colonists who chose to fight for independence from Great Britain are known as this.

What are Patriots?


The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are known as this. 

What is the Bill of Rights?

This is a plan that proposed giving each state equal representation in Congress. 

What is the New Jersey plan?


This type of fighting worked in small bands to make hit and run attacks.

What is guerrilla warfare?


This is the document that Pilgrims signed agreeing to have fair laws. 

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This author wrote a 47-page pamphlet that argued that citizens should make the laws in the colonies, not the kings and the queens. 

Who is Thomas Paine?


This rebellion led by an angry farmer who could not pay his property taxes proved that what government was weak. 

What is the Articles of Confederation?


What was the treaty that ended the Revolutionary and French and Indian War called?

What is the Treaty of Paris?


This is the type of colony controlled directly by the English king. 

What is a royal colony?


This religious group believed in religious toleration and equality for all people. 

Who are the Quakers?


This battle proved that the colonists could hold their own against the British army, even though they were forced to retreat. 

What is the Battle of Bunker Hill?


Name one thing that a naturalized citizen CANNOT do. 

What is run for president/vice president?


This is a rule that says a person cannot be tried for the same crime more than once.

What is double jeopardy?


This is the system which keeps any branch of government from becoming too powerful. 

What is checks and balances?


Maryland was home to this religious group.

Who are the Catholics?


In this battle, Washington surprised the Hessians by crossing the Delaware River on Christmas and attacking early the next morning. 

What is the Battle of Trenton?


Explain the difference between a duty of a US citizen and a responsibility of a US citizen. (Give an example of each.)

Duty ~ something you HAVE to do (sign up for selective service, know and obey laws, pay taxes, jury duty)

responsibility ~ something you SHOULD do (vote or volunteer)


What was the ONLY branch of government in the Articles of Confederation?

What is the legislative or law-making branch?


This is an order from the president that grants freedom from punishment. 

What is a pardon?


This was the name of the system that gave 50 acres of land to the colonist who paid for their journey to America. 

What is the headright system?


Although the Declaration of Independence was written to include a list of natural rights that all humans should have, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, these three groups of individuals did not enjoy those same rights at the time. 

Who are women, Native Americans, and African Americans?


This compromise combined the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan to create a 2-house legislature based on both population and equality. 

What is the Great Compromise?


Explain the process for becoming a US citizen. 

What is live in the US, apply for citizenship (paperwork/background check), pass the citizenship test, and take an oath of allegiance to the US?


This is the committee of colonists that shared information about the new British laws and ways to challenge them. 

What is a committee of correspondence?
