The Bible teaches that the Christian life is
a battleground
temptation always involves
an enticement of some kind
The bible presents truth as ________?
in the letter of James, we are told that trails are
a normal and beneficial part of our lives.
name of this book?
The believer battle of tempation
God allowed Jesus Christ to be tempted???
to demonstrate and prove his sinless nature
Jesus called Satan ____________?
the father of lies
Having joy in the face of trails
is a deliberate choice
How many book in old testament
The name Lucifer means
"Morning Star"
One evidence of pride is a desire to
impress others
Wrong associations can influence us too
go down the wrong path
to profit from our trials we must focus on
the potential benefit
how books in new testement
Tempting a believer to sin is a way that
We_____ the authority to order Satan to stop tempting us
Do not have
it is important to evaluate the _________ of the friends we choose
the end of Perseverance should be ???
spiritual maturity
name of one of the Twins
Satan temptation of Eve demonstrates he is a master of.....
lies / liar
we must ..... (lesson 7)
Prepare ourselves in advance by putting on the armor
Extra credit (armor of what)
the assumption that we can resist every temptation is
God purpose for us is that we ???
Grow in Christ likeness
Name previous work book?
Greatest man alive!!
extra credit (who is the greatest)