Who is hiding Voldemort on his person
Who is Quirrell
What war did Odysseus fight in
What is the Trojan War
Play on words
What is a pun
Where does your header go
Top left
Who created the universe
Who is Chaos
Who does Harry meet at Platform 9 and 3/4
Who is Ron Weasley
What did Circe turn Odysseus's men into
What is pigs
What is a Metaphor
What is comparison using are
What size do you use for font
What is 12 point font
Who has a box
Who is Pandora
What is the name of the three-headed dog
Who is Fluffy
What did Athena tell Odysseus to do at the end of the book
What is "peace"
What is a simile
What is a comparison using like or as
Does your name or teacher's name come first
What is Your name
What is in a maze
What is a minotaur
What creature saves Harry Potter in the Forbidden Forest
What is the name of the seven-headed monster
Who is Scylla
What is personification
Giving things that arent human human-like traits
What is last in your header
Who eats his kids
Who is Kronos
What is the name of The Dursley's son
Who is Dudley
Who is Odysseus's wife
Who is Penelope
What is an onomonopiea
What is a sound like "Boom!" or "Ow!"
What is second in your header
What is Theacer's name
Who is the leaders of the Olympians
Who is Zeus