The Odyssey
Reading Focus
Grammar and structure
Reading Focus 2
Literary Devices

How long is Odysseus gone from his homeland of Ithaca?

50 possible bonus points for every group: What is the name of the prequel to The Odyssey?

Twenty years 

Bonus question: The Iliad is the prequel to the Odyssey.


The general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc... is known as what literary device?



Identify the pronoun in this sentence-

"He sat in the same chair by the pillar."

"He" is the pronoun. 

Pronouns refer to either to the participants in the discourse (ex. I, you) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (ex. she, it, this).


Is the following quote from The Odyssey an example of direct or indirect characterization?

"A smile now came to the lips of the patient hero, Odysseus, who turned to Telemachus and said[...]"

50 possible bonus points (for all groups): WHY is this indirect or direct characterization?

Direct characterization

Bonus: It is direct characterization because the text itself is calling Odysseus patient; we as readers don't have to make any inferences to see the text calls him patient. 


There are three kinds of irony- dramatic, verbal, and situational. What kind of irony is the sentence below?

"Tiresias (from The Odyssey) was a blind poet who could see into Odysseus' future." 

Situational irony- 

"Situational irony occurs when there is an incongruity between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Authors use this device to create a more relatable situation or character within literature. It can also be used to change the tone or mood of a written work. "


What is the false name Odysseus gives to the Cyclops? (Incorrect spelling here is okay.)

50 point possible bonus for all groups: What is the name of the Cyclops Odysseus stabs?

"Nohbdy" is what Odysseus says his name is. 

Polyphemus is the name of the Cyclops Odysseus stabs. 


There are two forms of characterization. Which one can you use the STEAL chart for?

Indirect characterization 


Identify the preposition in the following sentence-

"Susie fell down the stairs."

100 possible bonus points for any group: Underline the prepositional phrase in the sentence above.

Preposition: down

Prepositional phrase: down the stairs


Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence-

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."



What literary device is the sentence below using"

"Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."

Alliteration- when the same letters and sounds are used in repetition for effect. 


How many of Odysseus' men die in the story Scylla and Charybdis? 

25 possible bonus points for all groups: How many men would die if Odysseus had chosen the other of the two paths?

Six of Odysseus' men die in the passage of Scylla.

The other option would have been that all of Odysseus' men die in the passage of Charybdis. 


What literary device is used when the text is connected to one of your five senses? (sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste)



Is the segment *between the asterisks* an independent clause or a dependent clause?

*The movie was good* although it was too long. 

Independent clause

(Independent clauses can stand on their own. Dependent clauses cannot.)


Is The Odyssey narrated in the first person, or is it told from a third person perspective?

150 possible bonus points to any group: explain *why* The Odyssey is first or third person.

The Odyssey is told in the third person. 

Bonus: It is told from the third person perspective because the story isn't told from the eyes of a specific character such as Odysseus.


What literary device is being used when a non-human character/object is given human traits? (For example, a talking pig)



What is the literary term for when something on an epic or grand scale is compared to something that isn't so unique (or is an every-day occurrence)?

Homeric (or epic) simile


If you describe the location and time a story takes place in, you are describing the ________ of the story. 



Which two words in the sentence below are adjectives?

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

1) quick, 2) lazy 


What does it mean to justify an answer?

200 possible bonus points for all groups: What does it mean to justify an answer with textual evidence?

(Points given at Mr. Kouris' discretion)

possible answers: giving reasons (using established rules) that support your arguments 

bonus: justification with textual evidence means citing the book or text you were reading and using that citation to explain why your answer is correct. 


Define allegory. 

100 possible bonus points for all groups: what is a story we read this semester that functions as an allegory?

100 possible bonus points for all groups: WHY is the story you mentioned in the first bonus question an allegory?

(Points given at Mr. Kouris' discretion)

"a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. "

bonus #1- Animal Farm by George Orwell

bonus #2- It is an allegory because it is trying to convey and emulate some of the dire political discourse of 20th century Europe and Russia. 


What is an example of conflict (internal or external) in The Odyssey? 

Internal and external conflict are present in The Odyssey. (Points allotted at Mr. Kouris' discretion)


There are three forms of irony- situational, dramatic, and verbal. What kind of irony is used when the audience and most of the characters know the full truth of a situation, but one or two characters are left out?

Dramatic irony


Conjunctions can be easily remembered with the acronym FANBOYS. What does it stand for?

For And Nor But Or Yet So



There are three kinds of irony- situational, dramatic, and verbal. What kind of irony is the statement below?

"Thanks for the $60 ticket, officer! It was exactly what I wanted to spend my money on this morning."

Verbal irony


(all or nothing)

match the adjective (list 1) with each of the five senses (list 2)-

list 1- savory, blinding, wavy, deafening, skunky

list 2- sight, smell, touch, taste, sound

sight- blinding

smell- skunky

touch- wavy

taste- savory

sound- deafening
