When the Trbl Desc field displays ‘CGR DEVICE PD EVENT - Event Time: hh:mm MM/DD/YYYY’ or ‘ICS METER PD EVENT - Event Time: hh:mm MM/DD/YYYY’ with no cause listed, what probing question should you ask the caller?
What is Did you hear or see anything that may have caused the power to go out?
True or False When the PwrON Msg field displays ‘Outage Detected’ or ‘Outage and Investigating’ with no cause listed, provide the customer with the ETA/ETR if available.
What is True
Mrs. Doe has been out of power for five hours due to a snow storm. She is calling for the second time to find out that the ETR has changed from 5:00 p.m. to noon the following day. She is extremely upset that she will be without power overnight. What resource could you use to aid you through this call?.
What is Handle Trouble Call – Mass Outage section
True or False When the PwrON Msg field displays ‘No Outage Detected’ or the reason for the call is related to a past Trouble Order, it is a requirement to check ORS.
What is True
Scenario: A customer is calling to advise that the power is out in her apartment. She’s not sure about the rest of the units in the building. She has reset her breakers for five minutes and still has no power. She did not hear or see anything that may have caused the power to go out. What information would you need to request to fully verify this Trouble call?
What is Address, phone number, caller’s name
When creating a Trouble Report and the address shows up as 'HWY 37 POLE 31', what step should you take?
What is Ask the caller for the 911 address, Type the 911 address in the Trbl Desc field and Create a Ticket with the address details if the caller is an authorized person
At what distance from the ground does a WIRE LOW become a WIRE DOWN?
What is 9 feet
True or False ORS should be accessed before the Outage tab when handling a trouble call.
What is False
True or false It's okay for a customer to remove tree branches from a primary line on their own if the tree is on their property.
What is False
If the customer is calling to report flooding that has already affected their property or BC Hydro equipment, you should:
What is ATSC (stay at least 33 feet or 10 metres away) and issue a trouble report
What are the 3 keys of electrical safety?
What is Call for help, Look up and down and Stay back
What situation IS NOT considered an MVA (Motor Vehicle Accident)but involves a car?
What is Customer ran over a downed power line with their car
What would indicate arcing?
What is Blue flash or sparks
Which of the following wire low situations would require a Trouble Report to be issued as a WIRE DOWN?
What is A person could reach it or a vehicle could hit it
If a customer is calling because their vehicle has made contact with an energized power line, what must you advise the caller to do?
What is Stay in the car until help arrives, unless unsafe to do so, and call 911
True or false a broken Guy Wire considered a wire down
What is false
Before creating a Trouble Report, you must ensure
What is You have confirmed you are issuing the Trouble Report on the correct address
Scenario: A customer is calling to advise that the power is out in her apartment. She’s not sure about the rest of the units in the building. She has reset her breakers for five minutes and still has no power. She did not hear or see anything that may have caused the power to go out. Should a Trouble Report be issued for this call?
What is No
Which three scenarios would be classified as a wire down/dug up?
What is a Kiosk shifted and wire exposed, Underground wire dug up and Wire less than 9 feet from ground
The maximum number of Trouble Type Descriptions you can select is:
What is 5
Scenario: A customer is calling to advise that the power is out in her apartment. She’s not sure about the rest of the units in the building. She has reset her breakers for five minutes and still has no power. She did not hear or see anything that may have caused the power to go out. What should you advise the caller?
What is Contact the building manager
What are the four main situations should you advise the customer to stay clear (stay at least 33 feet or 10 metres away)? hint Emergent call types
What is Wire down/dug up, Fire involving BC Hydro equipment, MVA and a Public Incident
If advising the customer to stay clear of a wire down, what must be entered in the **Trbl Desc **field?
What is ATSC
If the caller states: "There is a wooden pole leaning pretty badly", what probing question should you ask?
What is Where is the pole located? What is the pole leaning towards? and Has anything recent happened to cause the pole to lean?
If the customer is calling to report a fire involving BC Hydro equipment, the customer should always be advised to:
What is ATSC (stay at least 33 feet or 10 metres away) and Call the fire department if not already done