Year(grade) Annie started running
What is 7th grade
What is NC state
Actor of the year 2024
Who is Adrian Brody
who is Adriaan
App to check grades
what is infinite campus
The sports Clara plays
What is soccer, track, skiing, volleyball
This Kenyan-born runner won 17 NCAA titles
Who is Edward Cheserek
Artist with the most grammys
Who is Beyonce
The bison
Who is Nick Symmonds or Ben Batalden
The app you use when you see huzz and get nervous
what is settings and weather
Clara's middle name(starts with g)
What is Gladys
These are ther 2024 Bowerman winners for track
Who is Parker Valby & Leo Neugebaur
2024 Rap album of the year
What is Alligator bites never heal
The little dragon
Who is Bruce Lee
This app has the same name as a DC super hero
what is shazam
Spikes that Annie wears
What is purple new balance
The 2024 champ of women's XC nationals
Who is Doris Lemngole
His tragic death came before he won an award during the 2008 oscars
Who is Heath Ledger
The atomic flea (soccer)
Who is Lionel Messi
This is an app that comes with iphone and can be used to make music
what is garage band
Number of varsity letters Annie has
What is 6
The NCAA program with the most cross country team championships (9 Female & 3 Male)(East coast highly academic)
What is Villanova
This 1977 movie was a landmark in score history
What is star wars
(Daily Double)
Jalen Green
This rapper who made the song PTSD recently created a app
Who is G Herbo