What is the phrase for "good morning" in Spanish?
buenos días
What is the Spanish term for the number 20
Translate "I am" using the verb "ser".
yo soy
How do you introduce yourself in Spanish?
What is the Spanish phrase for "to eat pizza"?
comer pizza
How do you say "goodbye" in Spanish?
Translate the number 50 into Spanish
Translate "You (formal) are" using the verb "ser".
ud. es
What does "Me llamo" mean?
My name is ___ (I call myself...)
How do you say "to read a book" in Spanish?
leer un libro
Translate "good afternoon" to Spanish.
buenas tardes
What is the Spanish word for 85
ochenta y cinco
Julio and I are students
(Julio y yo) somos estudiantes
How do you ask someone their name in Spanish?
¿cómo te llamas?
How do you say "to draw" in Spanish?
What is the appropriate response when someone says "Mucho gusto"?
el gusto es mío
What is the phrase for "It is three thirty" in Spanish
son las tres y media
Maria, Laura and Diego are friends
(Maria, Laura y Diego) son amigos
What is the expression for "nice to meet you" in Spanish?
mucho gusto or encantado/a
How do you say "to listen to music" in Spanish?
escuchar música
How would you greet your principal in Spanish?
Buenos días ¿cómo está?
Say 9:45 in Spanish
las diez menos cuarto
You all (From Spain) are funny
(vosotros) soís cómicos
How would you ask "Where are you from?" in Spanish?
¿de dónde eres?
How do you say "to talk on the phone" in Spanish?
hablar por telefono