Blood pressure which is high in pregnancy
cord around neck
placenta is on the cervix
complete previa
when is the best time to complete an ultra sound for dating a pregnancy
first trimester
Gestational diabetes is first screened for normal prenatal care
24 to 28 weeks GA
s/s of htn in pregnancy
abd pain, HA, blurred vision
cord preceding fetal presenting part
placenta detatches
second trimester ultrasound will focus on
fetal anatomy
GDM is screened at what time frame for at risk women?
first trimester
PIH is defined as
first diagnosed after 20 weeks
cord has how many vessels
placenta detaches in the center
occult, no bleeding
nausea and vomiting generally resolves:
12 to 14 weeks
What is underlying cause of GDM
insulin resistence
PIH with end organ damage
cord is surrounded by
Wharton's jelly
s/s of previa
painless bright red bleed
third trimester u/s evaluates
fetal growth, amniotic fluid level, fetal position, cord
What type of screening is done for GDM
glucose tolerance testing
seizure in pregnancy caused by vasospasm associated with PIH
miss positioned cord
s/s of abruptio
painful abd, dark red
If blood sugars cannot be controlled what medication is used for GDM