The Immortal Life of
COMP Medley
Coffee Cart Tips
Cooking Up and Leaving NO Crumbs

What is HeLa mainly about? 

A black woman who died from cervical cancer. Scientists from Johns Hopkins took her cells and discovered they were immortal. They used them for research and scientific advancements, but never gave er or her family credit. 


Playing Catch

 Kate and her brother Jake like to play catch. They play with softballs, footballs and tennis balls. They toss the balls back and forth in the yard all the time. 

Sometimes they go to the park to have more space for throwing the balls farther. When it is raining out, they play catch in the basement. 

They use a tennis ball because it bounces off of the basement walls. Jake is going to soccer camp for a week this summer. Kate is sad because she won’t have anyone to play catch with while he is gone.

1.What type do they use to play catch on rainy days? * pillows          * apples      

* soccer balls   * tennis balls

Tennis Balls

We got: 

1 dollar bill

2 quarters

1 dime



True or false: When you want to make more of a recipe, you multiply the measurements. 



If you have a $1,200 budget for your vacation and you spend $800 on your hotel how much do you have left? 



In Chapter 6, Why did Rebecca say she wanted to write a book about Henrietta? 

She wanted people to know who Henrietta was as a person and give her the credit she deserved. 


Rosa Parks Takes a Stand

Rosa Parks was tired. She had worked long hours that day as a seamstress at a local clothing store in Montgomery, Alabama. However, it was not because she was physically tired that she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. It was because she was worn-out from being pushed around. She was tired of the discrimination in the world around her. 

Discrimination is when a person is treated differently or judged unfairly by others. Rosa Parks lived at a time and in a place where people were discriminated against based on the color of their skin. Black people were often treated differently than white people. They could not shop at the same stores, eat at the same restaurants, or even use the same water fountains as white people.

1. Why did Rosa Parks decide not to go to the back of the bus? 

She was tired of the discrimination she faced. 


We got: 

9 quarters

2 dimes

4 pennies


Show the correct tools: 

1/2 cup

1/4 tablespoon

1/2 teaspoon

1/2 cup

1/4 tablespoon

1/2 teaspoon


If your food budget is $300 and you already spent $75 1 day, and $40 the second day, how much do you have left for the third day? 



In chapter 6, How did Day (HeLa's Husband) react to Rebecca's phone call? 

He told her to leave him alone and not to ask him questions. 


Friends Over Fears 

For as long as Mia could remember, she had been terrified of snakes. She had skipped the class field trip to the zoo, and on the day James had brought his pet snake into their seventh-grade math class, Mia had run into the hallway, tears pooling in her eyes. With every passing year, Mia’s fear of snakes seemed to be getting worse. Recently, she had started to avoid playing in the local park because sometimes there were small garden snakes in the grass.  Jess had been Mia’s best friend since kindergarten. Jess wasn’t afraid of snakes or anything else that crawled or slithered. In grade 5, she had hung a huge poster of a boa constrictor on her bedroom wall, but she took it down because it bothered Mia so much. Jess knew all about Mia’s snake phobia, and she used to find it funny, but now it had grown worrisome. If Mia’s irrational fears kept getting worse, how long would it be before she was afraid to even leave her own house? One day, Mia went to visit Jess. The new video game, Green Ghosts Gone Wild, had just been released, and Jess had bought it. Mia was stoked. Playing a new game, especially one as epic as Green Ghosts Gone Wild, was a major event. 

1. Why did Mia run out of Jess's room? 

Jess got a pet snake and she is afraid 


We got: 

1 (5 dollar bill)

6 (1 dollar bill) 

2 quarters

5 pennies



Look at the Ingredients for this Recipe:

If we want to make this for double the people how much butter should we use? 

6 tablespoons


If you are saving for a car and plan to save $350 a month. How much will you save in 5 months? 



In Chapter 7, What did scientists want to accomplish with HeLa's immortal cells? 

They wanted to find a cure for cancer. 


“What’s wrong?” Jess asked, looking both concerned and a little guilty. “Does the snake really bother you that much?”  Mia nodded, her eyes darting back and forth between Jess and the distant glass tank. She felt betrayed. How could Jess bring a snake into her house, knowing how Mia felt? “Tiger is totally contained in the tank, Mia. She can’t escape,” Jess offered weakly. “Come on – I know how badly you want to play Green Ghosts Gone Wild. It’s just a few steps around Tiger’s home to get to my computer.”

  “You don’t understand how scary that is for me,” Mia snapped. She felt a hot tear roll down her cheek, and, turning her back on Jess, she stomped out of the house, plopping herself down on the steps outside of Jess’ front door. When she felt Jess’ hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off, still angry at her friend and contemplating going home where it was safe.  

1. How did Mia feel about Jess's pet. 

Mia was angry that her friend got a pet she is terrified of. 


If we have $25.40 saved and we got:

7 (1 dollar bill) 

3 dimes

6 quarters 

how much do we have in total? 



Look at this recipe:

If you want to make three bowls how many cups of milk will you need? 

3/4 cups


If you set a budget for new school clothes of $200. 

 You bought a shirt for $40, some pants for $50, and some shoes for $80. Did you go over or stay under budget? 

stayed under budget


In Chapter 7, How did they start to mail samples of cells all over the country? 

By putting them in planes. 


Jess sat down silently beside her friend. A few minutes passed. “I’m sorry for scaring you, Mia,” Jess said, attempting to console her friend.  As Mia breathed in the fresh outside air, her panic slowly turned into embarrassment. She gave Jess a weak smile. She wanted to be playing the game, not fighting with her best friend. She knew the snake couldn’t escape the tank; maybe if she avoided looking at the tank, she could control her emotions while in the room. Mia decided to be brave. “I’m going to try, but don’t let me go anywhere near Tiger.”  

1. How did they solve their problem?

Mia said she would try her best not to look at the snake and just play the game. 


We got: 

3 (5 dollar bills)

4 (1 dollar bills)

1 (10 dollar bill)

2 dimes

1 quarter

5 pennies



Look at the directions for this recipe:

What is the main tool needed to make the smoothie? 



If you spent $873 dollars on food for your graduation party how much is left of your $1,300 budget? Do you have enough for a $500 mechanical bull? 

$427 is not enough
