Wild Cards

This model focuses on different aspects of the individual and how it impacts occupation including the roles they have and the things that motivate them

What is Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)


This type of assessment compares the patient's knowledge and skills against a predetermined standard that they should be meeting at that age/period of time

What is criterion-referenced


These type of services include service-providers who have lived experience and have previously faced their own recovery or treatment

What is peer-led services


This individual role for group would look for sympathy from their group using unreasonable insecurity, personal confusion, or self-deprication

What is help-seeker role


The name and length of the hold that a patient would be admitted for involuntarily due to being arrested under the influence 

What is marchman act and up to 5 days


This type of stigma occurs when the individual agrees with known stigma and internalizes the negative stereotypes about themselves

What is self-stigma


This is the type of assessment that requires a person to read an item and select or write a response

What is a self-report


This type of employment has individuals be placed on the job and receive training and support as they work

What is supported employment


This type of group focuses on active involvement in occupations in the natural context where members work together to complete a task

What is task-oriented group


The group leadership style that entails the group members being in charge and allowed to change and modify where the leader is a member and equal to others and doesn't provide structure

What is laissez-faire or advisor leadership style


This movement occurred during the formation of occupational therapy and focused on addressing the inhumane treatment of individuals with mental illness and promoted human treatment

What is moral treatment


This assessment can be used with dialectical behavioral therapy to know about a client's stress and coping over time

What is a diary card


This setting provides a day program where members lead the program and complete services needed to run it. They also have opportunities for employment and education of different skills.

What is clubhouse model


This educational model provides support for students by having them attend a specialized curriculum for foundational skills

What is self-contained classroom model


This study found that when individuals have high levels of this they are statistically more likely to engage in at-risk behaviors and have impacts on their overall health

What is the ACEs (adverse childhood event) study

This term refers to the segregation of groups of people that causes restriction or access to dignified and meaningful occupations based on their race, disability, age, national origin, color, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, status in society, or other characteristics

What is occupational apartheid


This assessment looks at wellness behaviors across the 8 dimensions of wellness (physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, occupational, environmental, and financial)

What is wellness inventory

These are potential interventions that could be provided for students in a school setting at the Tier 2 level to address stress levels secondary to testing anxiety

What is anything that addresses both prevention and promotion of early symptoms (as they are already identified at risk) by collaborating with school providers, modifying the environment/task, providing activities that reduce stress/coping, and promoting occupational engagement


You have evaluated a client using Allen Cognitive Level Screen, and have scored in level 4. The intervention that would be appropriate is

What is goal-directed, tangible activity with written instructions with clear end results given minimal assistance to identify and correct mistakes


This child is diagnosed with ADHD and receives occupational therapy and speech therapy in the school system along with accomodation to his education plan and additional support. The plan that he has to outline these services is called

What is IEP or individualized education plan


This therapeutic mode has the therapist facilitating pragmatic thinking to address dilemmas by finding choices, prompting questions and providing opportunities to analyze it

What is problem solving mode


This assessment looks at self-perception of performance and satisfaction in areas of self-care, leisure, and productivity

What is Canadian Occupational Performance Measure


The role of an OTP in an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team includes

What is addressing rehabilitation to engage in necessary occupations to promote independence for living skills and treating client's personal needs according to what they prioritize

This individual presents with a low neurological threshold and active behavioral response when dealing with specific textures in their clothing. What is this called and how would you expect them to behave?

What is sensory avoidant and they will be uncomfortable or upset when wearing clothing that is not to their preference


The symptoms of metabolic syndrome which increase risk for DM and CHD are

What is abdominal obesity, raised triglycerides, elevated HDL cholesterol, hypertension, and elevated fasting glucose
