Human Biology
Chemical Building Blocks
Motion, Forces and Energy
From Bacteria to Plants
Earth's Changing Surface
You are suddenly scared by a bear in the woods. Your body is called to action and uses energy, increases blood pressure, heart beats faster, and slows down digestion. It readies your body for survival. Which body system is responds to this situation? a) Digestive system b) Nervous system c) Endocrine system
What is B) Nervous system
An example of a chemical change would be: a) Mashing a potato b) Melting an ice cube c) Burning a marshmallow
What is C) burning a marshmallow
The three ways an object can accelerate: a) Speed, time, motion b) Speeding up, slowing down, changing directions c) Work, distance, and position
What is B) Speeding up, slowing down, changing directions
An organism that is mobile, can reproduce, is multicellular, and has bilateral symmetry can be classified as a: a) Plant b) Animal c) Bacteria
What is animal
Rainwater that seeps into cracks and turns to ice is an example of? a) Erosion b) Ice wedging c) Chemical weathering
What is b) ice wedging
The reason cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles look different from each other is? a) Each type of muscle tissue performs a different function. b) The different types of muscles came from different people. c) Some muscles are used more than others.
What is a) Each type of muscle tissue performs a different function.
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) is classified as a compound because? a) Iron oxide is a mixture b) Iron oxide forms when two elements combine chemically c) Iron oxide is a metal
What is b) Iron oxide forms when two elements combine chemically.
A car accelerates from 16m/s to 32/ms, what is its acceleration? a) 12 m/s b) 0 m/s c) 1 m/s
What is a) 12 m/s
Euglena is a single-celled organism found in ponds. They are very tiny and the outer boundary is soft and flexible. Many have green chloroplasts that are visible because of its transparent skin. A Euglena can be classified as a? a) Fungus because if its unicellular structure b) A protist because it cannot be classified as plant, animal or fungus. c) Animal because it has a flexible cell membrane
What is b) Protist
A fossil found in a surface layer is the same species as a fossil found in a deeper rock layer. The two fossils are slightly different. The reason for the difference is? a) The species changed over time b) One of the rock layers was disturbed c) One species has many predators
What is a) Species changed over time
Genetic material of an offspring from parents who reproduce sexually is? a) Identical to parents b) A totally different genetic material from parents c) A blend of genetic material from parents
What is c) a blend of genetic material from parents
If salt and sand are mixed with water, which methods would be usedful to separate the mixture? a) Magnetism and boiling b) Evaporation and filtering c) Magnetism and filtering
What is b) Evaporation and filtering
When the mass of an object is large, the acceleration is often? a) increases b) stops c) decreases
What is c) decreases
Four basic needs of life are? a) Food, water, living space, and stable internal conditions b) Food, water, shelter, and stable external conditions c) Water, stable internal and external conditions
What is A
Deepwater Horizon exploded in the Gulf of Mexico affecting marine life and spilling oil into the ocean. When scientist in the future dig up fossils, what will they find? a) A layer of oil surrounding the fossils b) No oil found on any layer of rock c) No oil found on surface rock but found but a greater amount of oil in the rocks below the surface
What is a) Oil surrounding fossils
Which part of your body is responsible for ensuring the body is free of harmful levels of chemicals? a) Skeletal b) Digestive c) Excretory
What is C) excretory
A balloon is filled with air and left in a room whose temperature is 37 degrees celcius. As the room cools, what happens to the molecules inside the balloon? a) The molecules movement decreases b) The molecules movement increases c) The molecules movement does not change
What is a) movement decreases
The motion of a satellite as it revolves around the Earth according the Newton's First Law of Motion would be? a) Inertia and gravity b) Inertia and friction c) Gravity and air resistance
What is a) Inertia and gravity
An autotroph is the ability to? a) Not make its own food b) Make its own food c) None of the above
What is B
When two tectonic plates converge, it often creates a? a) Mountain b) Sea-floor spreading c) Fault line
What is A
The levels of organization in which our bodies are organized is? a) Cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism b) Tissues, cells, organs, organ system, organism c) Organs, cells, tissues, organ system, organism
What is a) cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism
The process of air combining with water and metal causes which of the following? a) acid rain b) Plant growth c) Oxidation
What is c) oxidation
The force of 90N is applied to four carts: Cart 1) 5 kg, Cart 2) 6 kg, Cart 3) 8kg, Cart 4) 9 kg Which cart would have the greater acceleration? a) Cart 2 b) Cart 4 c) Cart 1
What is c) Cart 1
Two-part scientific name Linnaeus gave each living thing is? a) Felis and species b) Marmota and genus c) Genus and species
What is C
Erosion is the process of? a) Wearing away of Earth's surface b) Building up of Earth's surface c) The washing away of important chemicals
What is A