Put money in a bank account to use later for emergencies or spend on something big.
What is a "savings account"?
A type of loan that can be repaid over time after college.
What is a "student loan"?
The number of transaction types we have learned about.
What is two?
This Aston Martin DBS is an example of a...
What is a want?
I don't want to worry about owing money or any backlash, I will pay for everything in _____
What is cash?
This card type allows you to pay over time.
What is a "credit" card?
Something you owe like a car payment.
What is a liability?
The amount of money the FDIC will protect?
What is $250,000?
This Condo is valued at 3 million dollars. You paid cash for it!
What is an asset?
He shocked the world not with his presidency but with his economic policy.
Who is Richard Nixon?
Why waste your time going inside the bank when you can use one of these?
What is an ATM?
The amount of time you have to payback a debt is called this.
What is a credit period?
This number is determined by how good you are with credit (hint: it is not a number)
What is a credit score?
A brand new iphone
What is a want?
What does a dollar and the moon have in common?
4 quarters
The insurance company that protects your money against fraud (hint: I will accept the letters)
Who is the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation).
The house is not yours until you pay off this.
What is a mortgage?
What is 100?
A home, heat and electricity, clothes, and water
What are needs?
U.S. currency is always big and bold before bills and coins, we used?
What is gold?
A card that takes money directly out of your bank checking account.
What is a "debit" card?
The cost of borrowing money.
What is "interest"? or an "interest rate"?
A U.S. dollar is worth this many grains of gold.
What is 270?
A private jet valued at 7 million dollars and you owe 1 million on it.
What is a liability?
U.S. Money is not backed by banks or Mr. Durency, it is a free floating....
What is fiat currency?