What is a career?
commitment to work in a field you find interesting and fulfilling
What is a job?
work that you do to mainly earn money
What is a resume?
a summary of your education, training, experience and qualifications.
What is standard of living?
measure of quality of life based on the amounts and kinds of goods and services a person can buy
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
What is an internship?
a position in which a person receives training by working with people who are experienced in a particular field.
What is a job?
work that you do to mainly earn money
What are demographic trends?
tendencies of people grouped by age, gender, ethnicity, education, or income that change over time.
What is a mentor?
an experienced employee who serves as a teacher and counselor for a less experienced person.
What is potential earning power?
the amount of money you may earn over time, usually increased by greater education
What is an interest inventory?
a test that helps you to identify the activities that you enjoy the most.
What are cafeteria-style employee benefits?
programs that allow workers to choose the benefits that best meet their personal needs.
What is a chronological resume?
This type of resume would work for job hunters who have continuous work experience
What is volunteer work?
Building houses with Habitat for Humanity would fall under this type of work.
What are signs it is time to move on or changing careers?
Some factors: Feeling bored at work job affects you physically or emotionally receive series of poor evaluations little opportunity for raise or promotion poor relationship with your boss