Short Term Goals
Mid Term Goals
Long Term Goals

This is a way to make money before college.

What is having a job?


This is how you keep getting scholarship money through college.

What is reapplying for scholarships?


This is what to buy after college when you're ready to settle down. It shouldn't be too expensive that you need large unpayable loans, and the cost should reflect your careers pay.

What is a house?


This is how you plan where you will stay while in college.

What is a housing plan?

Something young adults would do to build credit.

What is making large purchases on a credit card and paying them off well on time?


This is something that you should buy a couple years after college that fits your transportation needs while falling within your budget for monthly expenses.

What is a car or truck?


This is the best way to make sure you keep admission to your college through your senior year.

What is maintaining my GPA through the rest of high school?

This is a passive way to make income for a large profit later on in life. Mostly houses and cars are involved with it.

What is investing in estate?


This is where you should decide to go after college and will be where you stay for most of the rest of your life. It should be where your job is or close to it.(Dont overthink this)

What is a town or city.


This is how you pay for college not covered by government aid.

What are scholarships?

This is something freshman and sophomores in college have to have decided before they take their majors courses.
What is choosing your career for your adult life?

Things a company has that help you and your family live comfortably. Include things like healthcare, insurance, and severance. Will help you later in life when retiring.

What are good pay and benefits?

This is what people do to not get in financial trouble. 
What is making smarter spending choices?

This is how undergraduate students build relationships and experience in their career interest. 

What is an internship?


These are things everyone needs to take throughout the year to stay happy when working for a long time. You can go places far away or stay local. They should be budgeted well beforehand.

What are vacations?
