The amount you have to save each month at 18 years old, to be a millionaire.
What is 125 dollars
Something you outline that shows how much you make and how much you spend.
What is a budget
What is buying a home
The amount of money you get from the company you work for.
What is a paycheck
The amount you have to save each month at 30 years old, to be a millionaire.
What is 450 dollars
The company I used as an example of how to budget in order to buy a new phone.
What is Starbucks
An example of why you may need to take out a loan.
What is college or home purchase.
How you grow money, how you earn money, and set personal financial goals.
Financial Literacy
The total amount of money you have to save ___________ if you wait to save as you get older.
What is increases
Give me one of the three examples we gave that students may want to budget for.
Shoes, video game or phone
Money given to you that you DO NOT need to pay back
Scholarships or grants
What is a savings account
This is the amount the average American gets paid each year.
What is 59,000 dollars
The number of months it would take to save for the phone I wanted in my example.
What is 4 months
Money given to you that you have to pay back
What is a loan
The name for the money you can get from the state and federal government.
What are grants