Checks and Balances
Terms and Definitions
Types of Investments
money put into an account?
What is Deposit?
The creation of more money through the use of capital
What is a Investment?
People who rely on another person for primary financial support---e.g., children, spouse, other family members
What is dependents?
a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium
What is Insurance?
The keep or management of financial information that helps managers, investors, tax authorities and others make decisions about allocating resource
What is an accountant?
Term describing taking money out of a account
What is withdraw?
Inability to pay debts. In bankruptcy of a publicly owned entity, the ownership of the firm's assets is transferred from the stockholders to the bondholders
What is Bankrupt?
A person’s work circumstances, whether employed or unemployed, full-time or part-time, self- or other-employed
What is employment status?
Also called equities or shares. Gives you ownership in a company by becoming a shareholder, resulting in a claim on part of that company’s assets and earnings.
What is Stocks?
A person who helps borrowers acquire loans, such as mortgages, from banks or other lending institutions. Assist in determining the creditworthiness of the borrower.
What is Loan Officer?
balance withdrawn or spent, is more than what is in the account
To obtain or receive money on loan with the promise or understanding that it will be repaid
What is Borrow?
The money a person makes from labor, investment, or any other source, especially in the course of a year. Receiving income is the goal of all commerce. It is usually taxed by the government.
What is income?
Lending money to an entity, typically the government or a corporation, for a specified period of time. The money is used by companies, municipalities, states and sovereign governments to raise money and finance a variety of projects and activities.
What is a Bond?
ensures that a company's financial statements are in good order. Reviews of financial data, focusing on discovering fraud or error in corporate financial documents
What is an auditor?
Amount of money owed to a bank or lending agency. This amount is usually to be paid back under specific agreements
What is Debt
Businesses or bank that provide loans to others.
What is Lender?
A measure of an individual's creditworthiness. This involves a variety of factors in an individual's background, including a history of default, the current amount of debt, and the length of time that the individual has made purchases on credit.
What is Credit score?
Where investors meet to buy, sell, and trade shares under uniform rules and regulations.
What is the Stock Market?
Raise money for non-profit organizations are essentially marketing their organization to the public. Presentation and interpersonal skills helps make pitches to groups of potential donors.  They organize and publicize events and secure sponsorships from corporate entities.
What is a fundraiser/Event Planner?
Two main accounts a member can open at a bank
What is Checking and Debit
The price paid for borrowing money. It is expressed as a percentage rate over a period of time
What is Interest?
A summary of one's financial needs or goals for the future and how to achieve them. May involve deciding what investments and activities would be most appropriate or if savings may need to take place.
What is Financial Plan?
Property consisting of land or buildings
What is real estate?
Responsible for the accounting department, budgeting, reporting, audits and financial business practices, and helps innovate strategies, ensuring the company is financially sound for meeting its business goals
What is a CEO or CFO?