A safe place where you can keep your money
The bank
Financial Strength
What can you use a wellness plan for ?
To save money
Any money that is given to you is called..
What can we save from the stores to keep track of spending
A card that allows you to borrow money with interest
Credit Card
Financial Control
When you understand your income and do not overspend
What are small steps to take to reach a goal?
Cutting down on certain things
Not buying too much of something that is not needed
money that you set aside and do not spend is called...
savings , saving money
Something you don't need but still buy is called a ...
A card that you can use with your own money
Debit card
Enough income to meet your needs and to maybe set a little aside
What are challenges in wellness plans?
Things that can stop us from reaching our goal
when you track your money depending on income
" budgeting "
is interest bad ?
Sometimes .. too high of an interest rate can have you paying a lot of more money
Question to ask yourself when wanting to buy something
is it a need?
is it important to me ?
When you do not need to worry about money because you have enough for now and in the future
Do you need a support system to reach wellness goal?
No but it is an option
When something makes you buy things you don't need that is a ..
spending trigger
Something with numbers that keeps track of your credit
Credit score
What is it called when you use your financial resources to meet your needs?
Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness
You use your financial resources to meet your needs
How can you tell if you are making progress towards your goal?
keeping track , having more money
This is what we call something you cannot live without like food and water
a need!
Something we should avoid at all times and not give out our information to
SCAMS!! :(