Part of Speech

The car collector bought the vintage Ford Mustang. 

A. rose colored  B. broken down  C. real  D. classic

D. classic


The mother bathed the baby in the tepid water. 

A. lukewarm   B. hot   C. muddy   D. cold

A. lukewarm


After Brian broke Nancy's heart, he will have to make serious amends if he ever wants to win her back

What does the underlined word mean, and what clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Meaning: to do something good to show that you are sorry about something you have done

Clues: ...if he ever wants to win her back.



The lively puppy upset the table and broke all the dishes.

A. turned over   B. worried   C. jumped   D. troubled

A. turned over


She convinced us with her coherent argument. 

How is the word coherent used in the sentence?

ADJECTIVE, describing the noun argument. It means "understandable".


U.S.A. is an acronym for the United States of America.     

A. description    C. abbreviation   

B. password      D. neighbor

C. abbreviation


The slovenly boy never cleaned his room or washed his hands. 

A. proud   B. sloppy   C. careful   D. little

B. sloppy


The clues in the sentence were so helpful that Stanley was able to ascertain the meaning of the word without a shadow of a doubt.

What does the underlined word mean, and what clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Meaning: determine, make certain of, find out

Clues: The clues of the sentence were so helpful...

           ... without a shadow of a doubt.


When the wolf howls, the shy girl quails in the corner.

 A. birds  B. wails  C. cooks   D. shrinks

D. shrinks


My mother inherited her green eyes from her father. 

What is the usage of the underlined word in the sentence?

VERB, similarly means "received"


The sweet fragrance from the roses floated across the garden. 

A. pollen   B. thorns   C. bees   D. smell 

D. smell


The policeman arrested the speeder for flagrantly disobeying the speed limit. 

A. joyfully   B. cautiously   C. obviously   D. sadly

C. obviously


Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far from safe ground to find a meal for her child. 

What does the underlined word mean, and what clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Meaning: shortage, lack, undersupply

Clues: ...to find a meal for her child.


When school is over my sister will progress to the next grade. 

A. advancement  B. move  C. promotion  D. inspect

B. move


We laughed during the play at the dialogue between the hero and his silly partner.

How is the word dialogue used in the sentence?

NOUN, and it means "conversation".


The speaker told an amusing anecdote about his dog.

 A. lie   B. story   C. picture   D. cure 

B. story


The city council concurred with the excellent recommendations of the library committee. 

A. agreed   B. rejected   C. argued   D. stopped

A. agreed


I didn't want to fight him, but he provoked me by insulting my family, and I lost control. 

What does the underlined word mean, and what clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Meaning: annoy, make angry, madden, upset

Clues: ...by insulting my family... I lost control.


The microscope showed minute differences in the tissue samples. 

A. brief   B. tiny   C. dancing   D. 60 seconds

B. tiny


The pristine water came from a high mountain stream where there was no pollution. 

What is the usage of the word pristine in the sentence?

ADJECTIVE, describing water. It means "unspoiled".


A man of few words, he is known for his brevity

A. briefness  B. athleticism  C. laughter  D. skills

A. briefness


The generous people fed the emaciated lost dog. 

A. fierce   B. calm   C. thin   D. tame

C. thin


The poor children might have starved had it been for the benevolence of the kind-hearted students, who sacrificed their small allowance to provide food for them.

What does the underlined word mean, and what clues in the sentence lead you to your definition?

Meaning: kindness, compassion, generosity

Clues: ...kind-hearted students ...sacrificed their small allowance to provide food for them.


The family went to the National Park so they could commune with nature.

A. travel to work   C. live as a group 

B. exchange         D. communicate

D. communicate


I wanted just to set the table and be done with it, but my mother scrupulously arranged each napkin, dish, and utensil until they were in perfect alignment. 

How is the underlined word used in the sentence?

ADVERB, modifying/describing the action word "arranged". It means meticulously or perfectly. 
