what is the name of the thing that you touch with?
your hand
what solar system do we live in?
The Milky Way
/what is a game that you use your feet?
?what book has dragons and people with them?
Dragon Masters
what is one of the coldest foods?
ice cubes
?what is the body part that you touch with ?
your pam
how many planets have rings?
2,Satern and Urnis
what is the most popular team game?
who makes books is Moms and Dads house ?
Finn Thats who
what is the most popular Food in the U.S?
what are the tow most important body parts?
brain and hart
how many planets are made out of gas?
four.Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, and Neptune.
what is the leas favorite sport?
American football
what is the book I have in my book bin at school. it starts with S and ends with K?
what is the food that makes you cry when you cut it?
what are the 5 senses ?
smell taste hear touch and see
what is the cool space thing that happened ?
a Shooting star
what are the three main sports?
baseball soccer ice hockey
What is a book that is scary and sad?
Harry Potter
what is the biggest meal in the U.S.A ?
Clinton Station Diner
what is the body part that falls of?
your Teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!
how many moons does Saturn have?
82. I know it is high
what game do you get hurt the most in?
if there is a book that has people flying is it fiction, non-fiction, or realistic fiction?
what is the hottest food in the world?
dragon's breath Chile