What task do the students have to complete in groups in Chapter 14?
They were trying to determine the mystery objects hidden inside of shoe boxes.
Define the word, rotate, and use it in a sentence.
(pg. 75: There are four numbered boxes that will rotate from group to group.)
1. to cause to turn around an axis or center point; revolve.
2. to replace (a person, troops, etc.) by another or others, usually according to a schedule or plan.
3. to cause to go through a cycle of changes; cause to pass or follow in a fixed routine of succession:
Has Veteran's Day happened yet in 2022?
Yes! It was last week on Friday. That is why we were off from school.
In what month do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
How many pets does Mrs. McArthur have?
3 cats
Why was Mr. Peterson impressed with Ally during the shoebox task?
She figured out that the objects (two glue sticks) were taped leaving them hanging in the middle of the box. She was the only student who had ever figured this out before.
Define the word, florist, and use it in a sentence.
(pg. 72 "..all of the girls get to carry a bouquet of flowers. That's the good news. The bad news is that they have been donated by Jessica's father, the florist.
A grower/seller of flowers.
The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable.
Name one of Mrs. McArthur's pets.
1. Zuzu
2. Lucifer
3. Stuart
What does Mr. Peterson call the students in his class?
Define the word, bouquet, and use it in a sentence.
(pg. 72 "Mrs. Muldoon walks down the line, carrying one of the most beautiful bouquets that I have ever seen."
A bunch of flowers.
Name 3 side dishes often served at Thanksgiving along with turkey.
What does Mrs. McArthur’s husband do for a living?
He is a Kindergarten teacher.
Describe 3 details related to the events in Chapter 15...What happens after Ally is assigned a writing task?
Define the word, dreidel, and use it in a sentence. What holiday is associated with a dreidel?
(pg. 70: "It's the night of the holiday concert, and we sing about Santa and dreidels and Kwanzaa".
a four-sided top used chiefly in a children's game traditionally played on the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.
Name 3 branches of the armed forces.
1. Army
2. Navy
3. Air Force
4. Coast Guard
5. Marine Corps
Thanksgiving always lands on what DAY of the week?
*The last Thursday in November to be exact.
What animal does Mrs. McArthur like to wear on her clothing?
Explain this simile from Chapter 15: When it comes to that (writing), my brain is like gears with no grease.
Define the word, desperate, and use it in a sentence.
(pg. 83 "I know what his answer will be, but I ask anyway. I'm desperate".
Having an urgent need, desire
What DATE is Veteran's Day every year?
What part of the turkey is pulled apart by two people?
The wishbone.
What mythical creature is Mrs. McArthur a fan of? *Hint…pointy hat and look around the classroom!