Wudu & Ghusl
Salah - Prayer
Extra Salah
Sawm - Fasting

What is Tahara? 

To purify or cleanse

Remove physical impurities


What are 4 of the sunnahs of Ghusl?

1- Saying بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم at the beginning 

2- Making full wudu before, during or after Ghusl 

3- Rubbing the hand over the body 

4- Performing the acts of cleaning consecutively 

5- Start with the right side then left side 

6- Start with the upper part then the lower part of the body 

7- Start with the front side of the body then the back side 


List the Muslim prayers in order from dawn, and include the amount of Fard rakaat in each one

Fajr - 2

Thuhr - 4

Asr - 4

Maghrib - 3

Isha - 4


Which extra Salah is made specifically in Ramadan? 



What are the conditions of fasting?

1- Being Muslim

2- Being mature 

3- Being of a sound mind

4- Being able to fast i.e free of major illness 


What is used to re-establish tahara?

Pure water 


What are the pillars of ghusl?

Intention of ghusl

Water reaches every part of skin & hair


Name 4 prerequisites of Salah

1- Being Muslim 

2- Being old enough to understand acts of Salah 

3- Being of a sound mind 

4- Absence of ritual impurity on body, clothes and place 

5- Covering one’s nakedness with pure clothes 

6- Knowing that prayer’s time has entered 

7- Facing the direction of the Qiblah (Ka’bah in Mecca)


What do you do if you make a mistake during Salah?

Missing a pillar

→ Making up the pillar & doing Sajdat Sahu

Missing a sunnah

→ Sajdat Al-Sahuسجدة السهو


List 3 valid reasons one can abstain from fasting

1- Menstruation and post-natal bleeding 

2- Terminal or severe diseases 

3- Acute illness or disease if fasting would lead to hardship 

4- Traveling 

5- Pregnancy 

6- Breastfeeding 


What is the ritual to re-establish tahara called?

wudu or ghusl


What are the invalidators of Wudu?

1- Anything exiting from the private parts: urine, stool, gas 

2- Sleeping 

3- Losing consciousness 

4- Touching skin of the opposite gender between adults only 

5- Touching one’s private area with the palm of the hand   


What are 4 invalidators of Salah?

1- Intentional speech 

2- Excessive motion 

3- Presence of ritual impurity on the body or cloths or place of prayer 

4- Occurrence of any invalidator that invalidates Wudu 

5- Exposure of one’s nakedness 

6- Turning away from the direction of Qiblah 

7- Eating during prayer 

8- Drinking during Salah 

9- Loud Laughter 

10- Breaking intention of Salah 

11- Leaving Salah 


When can you wipe over socks during Wudu?

1- When worn after being in complete state of purification 

2- If area of the foot that is obligatory to wash in Wudu is covered

3- Khuff/socks meets conditions for wiping on them to be permissible: pure, waterproof, won't be torn with walking  


List 4 invalidators of fasting

1- Anything reaching a body cavity: eating, drinking, taking medication, inhalers, smoking, nasal drops, suppositories  

2- Intentional vomiting 

3- Sexual intercourse 

4- Masturbating 

5- Menstruation 

6- Post-natal bleeding 

7- Loss of mental capacity 


If any of these are not met when using toilet paper, water must be used after using the restroom...

1- Three times 

2- The place is purified 

3- The filth is not dry 

4- The filth didn’t move to another area


What are the sunnahs of Wudu?

1- Saying بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم at the beginning of Wudu

2- Washing hands at the beginning 

3- Rinsing the mouth 

4- Rinsing the nose 

5- Wiping the whole head 

6- Wiping the outer and inner parts of the ears 

7- Using new water to wipe the ears 

8- Running wet fingers between the fingers and toes 

9- Washing the right hand and right foot before the left ones 

10- Performing all actions in three times 


List 8 of the Sunnahs of Salah

1- Raising hands concurrently while saying “Allahu Akbar” الله أكبر

2- Placing the right hand over the left hand 

3- Saying the opening supplications دعاء الاستفتاح

4- Saying أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم before starting recitation of Al Fatiha 

5- Using Audible utterances when appropriate 

6- Using Quiet utterances when appropriate 

7- Saying “A’meen” آمين after finishing recitation of Al Fatiha 

8- Reciting Quran (short surah or few verses) after Al Fatiha

9- Saying “Allahu Akbar” when moving from one pillar to the next one 

10- Saying سمع الله لمن حمده when rising from Bowing 

11- Saying سبحان ربي العظيم three times during Bowing

12- Saying سبحان ربي الأعلى three times during prostration 

13- Placing one’s hands upon one’s thighs while sitting, extending the fingers of the left hand and closing the right except for the index finger 

14- Pointing with the right index finger during Tashahud 

15- Sitting in the manner of Iftirash الافتراش and Tawarruk التورك

16- Saying the second Salam السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 


What are two optional rulings in Salah during travel? List & explain!

  1. Shortening: praying 2 instead of 4 in 4-raka’t prayers (Dhur, Asr, and Ishaa) 

  1. Combining: to combine Dhur with Asr and to combine Maghrib with Ishaa. 

Both options can be done earlier (during Dhur or Maghrib) or later (during Asr or Ishaa) 


What are the rules of fasting & salah when a woman has her menstrual cycle?

Salah - cannot pray, does not need to make it up

Fasting - cannot fast, must make up each day that was missed


What are the indications for Ghusl?

  • Menstruation 

  • Intimate intercourse 

  • Postnatal bleeding 

  • Giving birth 

  • Death 


What are the pillars of Wudu'?

Intention of Wudu

Washing of the face

Hands & forearms to above elbows

Wiping part of the head

Washing the feet to above the ankles

Performing the steps in this order


List 10 of the the Pillars of Salah

1- Intentions of prayer at the beginning of Salah 

2- Standing for prayer: a- when able to, and b- for an obligatory prayer 

3- Saying the opening of Salah “Allahu Akbar” الله أكبر

4- Reciting Al Fatiha in every Rak’a (unit of prayer) 

5- Bowing الركوع 

6- Standstill during bowing 

7- Rising and standing after bowing الاعتدال

8- Standstill during it 

9- Prostration (Sujud) twice السجود مرتين

10- Sit still during it 

11- Sitting between the two prostrations 

12- Sit still during it 

13- Final sitting الجلوس الأخير 

14- Saying the final Tashahud التشهد الأخير during the final sitting 

15- Saying the prayers upon the beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him after the final Tashahud 

16- Saying the first Salam السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

17- Performing these pillars in this order 


Is funeral prayer for the deceased Fard or Sunnah? Please explain!

  • It is a communal obligation on the Muslim community to pray the funeral prayer on every dead Muslim

  • It can be prayed individually or in congregation 

  • A prayer consists of: standing, reciting, and multiple takbeerat 


What are the integrals of fasting?

1- Intention of fasting 

a- Obligatory fasting (Ramadan): intention must be made after sunset and before Fajr 

b- Recommended fasting: intention can be made the day of before noon prayer if one did not eat or drink after Fajr

2- Avoiding all invalidators of fasting from Fajr until sunset 
