Salah 2
Preliminaries to Salah
Sins of the Tongue

How many Qunut in Salat al Eid



In the Qunut of Salat al Layl, it is recommended to seek forgiveness for how many believers?



What types of material are haram for men to wear (in and out side of salah)? 

Gold and silk


List at least 3 sins of the tongue






The time for Salat al Layl is

From the middle of the night (Islamically) to fajr (dawn)


What is the total distance that one must travel for their prayer to become Qasr? 

44 kms in total (22 in total)


What is the name for the prime time to pray Salah? How long is it approximately after each Athaan

Fadhilah time, about 1 hour on average.


What is the definition of gheebah (backbiting)? 

Making reference to something negative regarding a Muslim, when that thing is hidden from the people and the reference is made in their absence.


If I join Jum'ah prayer late, what is the latest point at which I can join for the prayer to still be valid?

During the Qira'ah of the second Rak'ah


When measuring the distance for Qasr prayer, where do we start measuring from?

The border of our home city


The very initial time to pray the prayer, directly after Athaan, is called Awwal al-Waqt. If I have a choice between praying during Awwal al-Waqt at home or Fadheelah time at the mosque/in Jama'ah, which should I choose?

Fadhilah time at the mosque/in Jama'ah


What is slandering (tohmah)? Define it. 

Saying something negative that is untrue about someone, in their presence or absence. 


What are the names for the last 2 parts of Salat al Layl, which are the last 2 rak'ah prayer and the last 1 rak'ah prayer

al-Sahf' and al-Watr

List three situations where even if we travel more than the distance, our prayer still does not become Qasr

-travel for haram purpose

-a person's job is to travel

-a person travels frequently

-a person is intending to stay in another city for at least 10 days 


 If I have a choice between praying at Fadheelah time at home/work or outside the Fadheela at the mosque/in Jama'ah, which should I choose?

Pray within the Fadheelah time at home/work


List at least two OBLIGATIONS of the tongue/speech?

-Giving true testimony

-Defending Islamic beliefs

-Defending believers from backbiting

-Enjoining good/forbidding evil


Explain the rules re when a person is sure if they have missed a certain part of the prayer or performed it incorrectly/incompletely. Should they go back to do it or not? 

If passed a Rukn, do not go back. 

If have not passed a Rukn, go back.

If the action itself was a Rukn, repeat the prayer. 


Explain Ayatullah's Sistani's ruling regarding clothing made from animals where we are unsure if animal is halal or haram. 

if a person doubts whether some clothing has been

made from an animal whose meat is lawful or unlawful to eat—irrespective of whether it

was made in an Islamic country or not—then it is permitted to perform prayers in that.


List at least 5 conditions of the place of prayer

-Permission to use


-No interruption/interference

-Place of sujood Tahir

-enough space

-No large incline

-Men and women spaced out

-Enough space for the actions of prayer


How does one repent from backbiting?

As we learned, backbiting is a serious sin. If we commit this sin, we must sincerely repent for it, feel remorse, and resolve not to do this action again. It is also recommended to seek forgiveness from the person we backbited. However, in some cases, telling them that we backbited them might ruin our relationship and lead to enmity. In that case, we should instead make duʿāʾ for them and ask Allah (swt) to forgive them. 
