What can Characters use, in exchange for weapon durability, to deal more or special damage?
What is Skills
What kind of nation is Adrestia?
What is an empire
What kind of nation is Faerghus?
What is a holy Kingdom
What kind of nation is Leicester at the start of the game?
What is an Alliance
What is another name for the church based in Garreg Mach?
What is the central Church
At what levels can Characters get an Ultimate Class?
What is level 30
What year was the second war of the Eagle and Lion started?
What is 1181
What people were held responsible for the death of Dimitri's father?
Who are the Duscurs
Who is the leader of leicester after the timeskip?
Who is Claude von Riegan
Who is the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros?
Who is Rhea
What kind of activities can you do to strengthen bonds with your classmates/other characters? (5 answers needed)
What is fighting near to each other, eating together, cooking together, answering help letters, going to Chor practise, doing quests, gifting gifts, returning items
What is the name of Edelgard's father?
Who is Ionius IX
What is Catherine's old name, when she was still a noble in Faerghus?
What is Cassandra (Rubens) Charon
What kind of nation is Leicester at the end of the game (Azure Moon/Verdant Winds route)?
What is a federation
What is the true name of the Crest of the Beast, that Marianne von Edmund has?
Crest of Maurice
What event is needed to pursue the Crimson Flower route, when you chose the Black Eagles as your house?
What is to attend Edelgard's coronation
Who is the founding emperor of Adrestia?
Who is Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg
What kind of nation is Faerghus, after the timeskip?
What is a Dukedom
What nation is Claude really from?
What is Almyra
What are the names of three of the Saints, that are still alive in the present day in the game? (Bonus point for correct allocation of the names
Who are Rhea (Seiros), Seteth (Cichol) and Flayn (Cethleann)
What Event is needed to get access to the Dancer class in FE3H?
What is the White Heron Cup
What date is celebrated as the founding date of Adrestia?
What is the first of the Great Tree Moon?
What is the name of the Faerghus king, often heard through Ashe's love of books/ Who is the founder of faerghus?
Who is Loog von Blayddid (King of the Lions)
What nation lies southwest of Fodlan, and is home to one of the garanteed playable characters of the Golden Wildfire route? (Bonus point if you can fully name the character)
What is Dagda (Who is Shamir Nevrand)
What are the names of the Ten Elites? (needs all 10)
Who are Blaiddyd, Riegan, Lamine, Goneril, Charon, Fraldarius, Gloucester, Dominic, Gautier and Daphnel