PPE in the office
Above the sink in each room
Fire Extinguisher in Office
Nurse Area
Upstairs Lounge
Beside Water Fountain
By back door
chart room upstairs
where do you file and Incident report?
Infonet- type in search bar- " Incident Report"
where are the exit signs located?
Beside every Exit Doorway
Where do we meet incase of a Fire?
Church Parking lot across the street.
who do you call if you are stuck with a Needle?
(But notify Lisa)
Where is the MSDS Kept?
Front Book Shelf by Kyla
Who do you call if you smell smoke?
What do you do if someone calls into the office with a BOMB THREAT
Keep them on the phone as long as possible so they dont know someone else is calling 911
Alert the team of a CODE BLACK
Needle stick packets Kept
In the blood born pathogens Binder
How do you use the Fire Exstinguisher?
PASS technique
Where is the AED Located?
Julias Desk
Hall B
what does PASS stand for?