Fire Door 1
Fire Door 2
Fire Door 3
Fire Door 4

You discover a fire, what is the first thing you must do?

  • A.Raise the alarm

  • B.Call the fire brigade

  • C.Get out of the building.

  • D.Telephone home

  • E.Try to extinguish the fire

A. Raise the alarm


Which class of fire involves gases?

Class A, B, C, D or F

  • Correct Answer

    The class of fire that involves gases is Class C. Class C fires involve flammable gases such as propane, butane, and methane. These types of fires require special handling and extinguishing agents to safely control and extinguish them, as using water or other inappropriate methods can be hazardous.


Which of the following is a common cause of residential fires?

Cooking accidents


What should you do if a fire exit is blocked during an evacuation?
a) Proceed to another exit
b) Wait for assistance
c) Attempt to clear the obstruction
d) Take a different route

a) Proceed to another exit


When must domestic smoke detectors be tested?



What does PEEP stand for?

  • A.Personal emergency evacuation plans

  • B.Personal emergency exit plans

  • C.Personal evacuation emergency plans

  • D.Personal evacuation exit plans

  • Correct Answer
    A. Personal emergency evacuation plans

    PEEP stands for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans. These plans are designed to assist individuals with disabilities or mobility impairments in safely evacuating a building during an emergency situation. PEEPs outline specific procedures and strategies tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring their safety and well-being during an evacuation.


Which of the following is NOT a recommended action during a fire alarm? 

a) Stay calm and follow instructions
b) Gather personal belongings
c) Close doors behind you
d) Use the nearest exit

b) Gather personal belongings


Which of the following should be included in a home fire escape plan?

Multiple escape routes


What color is a Co2 fire extinguisher?

  • Black

  • Red with black band

  • Blue

  • Green

Red with Black Band


When should you try to extinguish the fire yourself? Remember the three A's...

 Activate, assist and attempt. You should only attempt to put out a fire on your own after completing the first two steps


What is the main cause of smoke inhalation-related deaths in fires?

Carbon monoxide poisoning


If you hear the fire alarm go off in the building what should you do...

Stay in your apartment and wait for instructions from a team member.

Keep your door closed. 

If the fire is in your area and you can evacuate safety, please head for the nearest fire exit. Do not take the elevators. 

Keep your door closed if you notice smoke in the hallways. 


A water fire extinguisher should only be used on-?

  • Solid fuel fires

    A water fire extinguisher should only be used on solid fuel fires because water is effective in cooling down and extinguishing fires caused by materials such as wood, paper, and textiles. However, it should not be used on liquid fuel fires or fires involving gas as water can spread the flames and cause the fire to become more dangerous. Additionally, water should not be used on fires involving electricity as it can conduct electricity and pose a risk of electrocution. Using a water fire extinguisher on any fire may not be effective or safe in all situations.


What does the “PASS” acronym stand for regarding the use of a fire extinguisher?
a) Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
b) Point, Assess, Secure, Stop
c) Prepare, Assess, Strike, Secure
d) Press, Activate, Stream, Spray

 a) Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep


What does the RACE acronym stand for in a fire emergency?

 Report, Alarm, Control, Extinguish


What is a fire assembly point?

A safe area where the roll call is taken


What should you do if your clothes catch fire?

 Roll on the ground to extinguish the flames


Which of the following is a suitable material for a fire extinguisher sign? 

a) Paper
b) Plastic
c) Wood
d) Metal

B. Plastic
