Construction materials and their fire resistance determines this.
Building construction type.
Which element is included in the fire tetrahedron that is not part of the fire triangle model
Chemical Chain Reaction
Protective hood (Nomex)
What is the fuel classification of wood?
Class A.
If your search is completed and you do not find any victims, you call _________ on the radio.
"Search is negative".
Large- dimensioned lumber are this type of construction.
Type IV.
What is the measurement of heat energy transfer rate.
Joules/second (watt)
How many layers does your structural PPE have?
3 Layers
What is the fuel classification of flammable metals?
Class D.
An atmosphere is considered oxygen-deficient when oxygen levels are.
Below 19.5%.
Protects the structure and its contents from the effects of weather.
A roof.
Type of heat transfer that is usually responsible for flashover.
Radiant Heat
What is the SCBA URC?
Universal Rescue Connection (eye protection).
Pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.
Where should the officer be located during a VEIS?
At the top of the ladder (surveying the room with the TIC).
Best way to control a flow path in a residence.
Closing a door.
The four stages of fire development are
Incipient, growth,fully developed, and decay
Which additional item of your PPE should you add when there is a potential for flying debris?
Safety Glasses.
A water can holds how many gallons of water?
2.5 gallons.
Location, Unit, Name, Air, Resource needs.
How can security bars on windows negatively affect fire and life safety
Prevents trapped occupants from escaping.
The minimum temperature at which a material will ignite.
Flash Point.
You SCBA cylinder bust be filled to at least what % of it's max capacity?
Where is a class K fire likely to occur?
Restaurant or Kitchen
Personnel accountability report.