When something falls down suddenly
What is to collapse?
When you cut corners, what are you doing?
You are skipping steps for it to be quicker/easier
When you give permission for someone to start something or continue something.
What is go ahead?
Who was the longest serving Queen in history?
What is the verb of domination?
What is to dominate?
When something is extremely sad and emotional.
What is tragic?
To remain calm during a stressful time, you need...
What is a cool head?
When you get confused between 2 or more things?
What is to mix up?
Sanitation and what else relates to being clean?
What is hygiene?
When you don't want to lose any more, you do what?
What is to cut losses?
When a bridge moves side to side, it ...
What is to sway?
When you successfully finish a negotiation, you have done what?
What is close a deal?
When an electronic device is not working like normal.
What is to act up?
Who was the Prime Minister Nicknamed 'the Iron Lady'?
Who is Margaret Thatcher?
What is the name of the government with a King or Queen?
What is a monarchy?
When there is a problem with the material, there is ...
What is a defect?
What is it called when something revealed becomes difficult and complicated?
What is to open a can of worms?
What is to maintain the same level of quality or pace?
What is get to keep up?
Who is the famous author who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
Jane Austen
What is the synonym for 'nicknamed'?
What is dubbed?
To careful examine something for problems or defects?
What is scrutiny / to scrutinize?
When someone is closely watching everything you do.
What is to breathe down someone's neck?
When you have to search for something in a dictionary or online.
What is to look up?
Emmeline Pankhurst was a famous what?
What is Suffragette?
When someone is clever and uses their intelligence to be funny or tactical, it is their ...
What is wit?