George Washington served as what president?
The 1st
John Adams served as what president?
Which president was Jefferson
James Madison served as what president
What president was Monroe
George Washington served as what president?
He was never Vice President
Why did Adams only serve 1 term?
The people lost faith in him and his party
Who was the first Secretary of State?
What war occurred during Madison's term as president
The war of 1812
Monroe wanted to return to this style of foreign policy
During his his first term, George Washington focused on?
Domestic Affairs or issues at home
ex: the Whiskey Rebellion
What two foreign affairs happened during Adams presidency?
The Jay Treaty and the XYZ Affair
What party did Jefferson belong to?
The Democratic Republicans
During Madison's presidency we saw an overlap of _____ issues and ______ issues
What piece of land did Monroe add to the US
Why did Washington favor an isolationist policy?
He knew we did not have the money or army to get involved in another war
What two questionable domestic policies did Adams pass?
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Jefferson fought with this group in addition to dealing with issues from France and England.
Pirates on the Barbary Coast
The war of 1812 starting was largely due to what discovery
The British were supplying weapons to Indigenous people in the West to kill American settlers
What part of the world was undergoing several uprising and revolutions during Monroe's presidency
South and Central America
Latin America
According to Washington, what was the greatest threat to America at the time?
Political Parties
What political party would be heavily damaged as a result of Adams's presidency?
The Federalist party
Jefferson is possibly most famous for the addition of this large piece of land to the US even though it was outside of the presidents power to buy land from foreign nations
The Louisiana Territory
What were the 3 major results of the war of 1812?
Surge in national pride
Severe damage to Indigenous resistance to Western settlements
The Federalist party would dissolve
What document told the rest of the world to stay out of the Western Hemisphere or there would be consequences
The Monroe Doctrine