How do I treat a simple cut?
- Disinfect Cut
- Apply triple antibiotic ointment
- Bandage
How do I treat an object in the eye?
- Rinse with water
- Do not rub
What are three signs of a heart attack?
- Chest Pain
- Shortness of breath
- Sweating
- Nausea
- General confusion
What number do you call in an emergency in Britain?
Who founded Scouting?
Lord Baden Powell
How do I prevent blister?
- Comfortable fitting socks
- Regular breaks
- Break in hiking boots
- Apply moleskin before a blister forms
How do I treat heat exhaustion?
- Go someplace cool
- Give person water slowly
- Remove excess clothing
How do I treat sunburn?
Similar to a burn, except also don't take it back into the sun(duh)
What is the average time it takes an ambulance to respond to a call? (Plus or minus 1 minute)
Seven Minutes
How many scout/scouters are their globally?
Over 50 million members
What are two ways to remove a tick?
- Tweezers
- Tick Key
- Credit Card Scraping
How to treat serious bleeding?
- Direct Pressure
- Call 911
- Tourniquette
What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?
A heart attack is when one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked. The heart muscle is robbed of its vital blood supply and, if left untreated, will begin to die because it is not getting enough oxygen. A cardiac arrest is when a person's heart stops pumping blood around their body and they stop breathing normally.
What is the most common reason to call an ambulance?
Chest Pain/ Heart Attack Symptoms
What does BSA define as "cold weather camping"?
“camping in weather where the average daily temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit and conditions are cold, wet, or windy."
How to treat first degree burns?
- Lukewarm water
- Aloe Vera
- Loosely Cover
How to treat hypothermia?
- Warm slowly
- Remove cold clothing
- Put on dry clothing
- Watch for shock
Describe the process of CPR.
- Survey scene
- Call 911
- 30:2 Cycle
How do you use an Epi-Pen?
- Remove protective wrapping
- Remove blue cap
- Firmly swing into outer thigh
How many years has scouting existed in the US?(within 5 years)
114 Years
How to treat a snakebite?
- Put lower to heart
- Go to hospital
- Keep heart beat down
- Keep person calm
How to treat shock?
- Lay person on the ground
- Elevate feet
- Monitor temperature
- Call 911
What is the acronym for diagnosing a stroke and what does each letter stand for?
B alance
E yes
F ace
A rms
S peech
T ime
What are the ABC's, why are they used, and what do they stand for?
A irway
B reathing
C irculation
What is the significance of February 8th in Scouting?
February 8th is significant in Scouting because it marks the founding anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 1910. This day is often referred to as the birthday of Scouting in the United States.