how do you protect yourself from poisonous plants?
first aid for blisters?
do not pop it. cover area with a piece of moleskin.
What is first aid for an object in the eye?
Don't rub the eye, try to flush it out. If nothing works, cover the injured eye with a dry, sterile gauze pad and go to a doctor.
What does the acronym RICE stand for?
rest, ice, compression, elevation
What is the first thing you should do when you see someone collapse and appear unresponsive?
Check for responsiveness and call for help (911).
how do you treat a poison ivy rash?
First aid for ticks?
Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick’s head as close as you can to the skin and gently pull the head upwards. Use a steady and even pressure. Do not jerk the tick as this may leave parts of it embedded in the skin. Wash with soap and water and apply antiseptic. Also wash your hands and the tweezers after.
What's the first aid for hypothermia?
Move the person into a shelter. Remove wet clothing and get them into dry cloths. wrap them in a blanket. Give them warm liquids.
What can you use as a splint?
any rigid material or object (like a sick) that can support and protect a broken bone
What’s the proper way to treat a bee sting?
Remove the stinger, clean the area, and apply a cold compress.
What are symptoms of skin contact with a poisonous plant?
first aid for nosebleed?
What is the first aid for Heat exhaustion?
Have person lie in a cool, shady place. remove excess clothing. Apply wet cloths and fan them to cool them down. Let them drink some water.
What are the signs of a broken bone? (D.O.T.S.)
deformity, open wounds, tenderness, swelling
When performing CPR, what is the ration of compressions to breaths?
What do you do if someone burns a poisonous plant and inhales it?
Get the person to fresh air immediately: Move them away from the smoke, ideally to an area with good ventilation or outside if possible. Assess the situation: If the person is experiencing difficulty breathing, dizziness, coughing, or other signs of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, confusion), seek medical help immediately.
Call Poison Control or 911
first aid for choking?
What is the first aid for second- and third-degree burns?
second degree: Run injured area under cold water and protect with gauze pad. do not apply ointments and such.
3rd: call 911. do not try to remove clothing or apply anything. wrap a clean, dry cloth around the injury and treat the person for shock.
How do you splint an upper arm fracture?
Tie a splint to the outside of the upper arm. place the arm in a sling with the hand raised about 3 inches above elbow level. Then use a bandage to secure the upper arm against the side of the chest. The body will act as a second splint to keep the elbow and shoulder from moving.
What should you do if someone is experiencing a seizure and is lying on the ground?
Protect their head, move any nearby objects away, and avoid restraining them. Call for medical help if necessary.
What do you do if someone has eaten a poisonous plant?
Call for 911, Identify the plant and determine what part(s) of the plant were ingested. Remove contaminated clothing and rinse affected areas thoroughly with water. Seek medical help, even if the symptoms are mild. Stay calm
first aid for venomous snake bite?
gently wash the wound, restrict movement by loosely splinting if the bite is on an extremity. keep bite site at heart level and do not apply ice or a constricting bandage. call 911
What is first aid for fishhook wounds?
cut the fishing line. wrap a 3-foot length of fishing line around the bend of the hook and wrap the ends around your finger. gently push down on shank to free the barb from your skin and give the line a quick, sharp jerk. wash the area with soap and water and bandage the injury.
What are three methods to transport a person?
Walking assist, blanket drag assist, clothes drag assist, ankle drag assist, pack-strap carry, two handed carry, four-handed seat
If someone is experiencing anaphylaxis after a bee sting or food allergy, what is the first-line treatment you should administer if available?
An epinephrine (EpiPen) injection