A burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells that causes rapid convulsion and foaming of the mouth. Common in individuals diagnosed with Epilepsy and Autism.
This could happen randomly or if someone or something were to hit me in the nose.
You can use me to patch up a small cut
How do you treat a seizure?
Do not attempt to restrict the individual's head. Only remove from the pool in between seizures, and place the individual on the seizure mat. Call 9-1-1.
(Bonus 100 points if you know where the seizure met is)
How do you treat a nosebleed?
Apply sterile gauze pad to the nose, pinch the top and lean forward.
A severe, life threatening allergic reaction.
This happens a lot if a part of my body were to drag across the filter that border the pool.
Small/Large cut
You can use me to absorb the blood from a nose bleed
Gauze or a paper towel
How do you treat Anaphylaxis?
Call 9-1-1
How do you treat a small cut?
Clean the cut and apply a sterile bandage.
When blood supply to the brain is cut off and blood vessels in the brain burst causing slurred speech, and a lack of feeling in one side of the body.
What is likely happening to me if I need to take a glucose tablet to avoid passing out
Diabetic Shock
You would use me to restore a person's heartbeat. But please make sure there is no water around, and no one is touching the individual's body.
(Bonus 300 points if you know what it stands for)
How do you treat a stroke?
Safely remove individual from the water, place in the recovery position on the side of the body they can feel. Continue to monitor ABCs. Call 9-1-1.
Bonus 300 points - what do ABCs stand for?
How do you treat diabetic shock?
Provide glucose tablets and continue to monitor.
You will need to use either the board or knife method to remove me from the water if this happens.
Spinal Injury
I feel lightheaded after bring out in the sun all day and I need to sit down. What is wrong with me?
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke is a major
You would use me to avoid having to put your mouth on a stranger's mouth when doing CPR.
Pocket Mask
(Bonus 400 points if you know what CPR stands for)
Which of these facts is false about preforming a submerged victim rescue on an unconscious, non-breathing victim.
You must pinch their nose during ascent
You do compressions before breaths
You must depress the chest at least two inches during compressions.
You do compressions before breaths
(Bonus 400 points if you can explain why)
How do you treat a bumped head?
Treat the cut if there is one, apply an ice pack, and monitor for concussion symptoms.