What are the 4 things you look for when doing a "quick assessment" of an injured person?
1. Are they breathing? 2. Is Their heart beating? 3. Is there severe bleeding? 4. Is there evidence of poisoning?
True or False: when someone is stung by a bee or wasp, you should squeeze the wound to get the stinger out.
False. Squeezing will force more venom into the skin from the sac attached to the stinger. Use the dull edge of a knife blade to scrape away the stinger.
What are Hurry Cases?
Hurry cases are conditions that threaten a victim's life: - stopped breathing - no heartbeat - severe bleeding - internal poisoning
What are 3 of the ways to help a victim of hypothermia?
1. Take the victim into a shelter & get in warm, dry clothes. 2. Zip into dry sleeping bag or cover with blankets, coats. 3. Offer hot, non-alcoholic liquids (hot chocolate, soup). 4. Give water bottles filled with warm fluid to hold in the armpit and groin areas. 5. If possible, have the victim breathe warm, moist air. 6. Be ready to provide other first aid, if necessary. 7. Seek medical attention for the victim.
Should you ever move an accident victim with serious injuries before help arrives?
Yes, if the victim is in immediate danger: for example, in a river or in the path of a fire.
How do you treat hyperventilation?
1. Talk quietly to victim and encourage him to calm down and breathe slowly. 2. If necessary, have the victim breathe into a paper bag to help restore carbon dioxide to the body.
Why are femur (thigh) fractures especially dangerous?
Because the upper leg muscles are strong enough to pull the ends of a broken femur into the flesh which can cause serious internal bleeding. The "femoral artery" can also be nicked by a moving broken bone. The patient should not be moved until a traction splint has been applied by trained personnel. A thigh fracture can pose a serious threat to the victim's life.