Are heart attacks severe?
Are strokes severe?
Should you perform the heimlich maneuver for someone who is mildly choking?
No, only for someone who is severely choking
What is the most common TBI?
What is the most common type of dementia?
What causes Heart Attacks?
Blood Clots
Why are strokes severe?
Your brain isn't getting an okay amount of blood/oxygen
Should you put ice on a burn?
What does TBI stand for?
Traumatic Brian Injury
What type of term is dementia?
Why are blood clots severe?
They can stop blood flow to your heart
What is the acronym to see if someone is having a stroke?
Should you lay a person having a seizure on their back or side?
How can TBIs occur?
A bumb, blow, or jolt to the head
They may have seizures
What are two ways of spotting a heart attack?
Chest pain, fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea etc.
When can strokes happen?
They happen if you are older, and if you have unhealthy lifestyle choices
How can you spot a heat stroke?
Sweating, fatigue, tiredness.
What are ways of spotting TBIs?
If the person has headaches, blurred, vision, nausea and vomiting, etc.
How do brain and nervous injuries happen?
Infections, like bacteria and viruses, or genetic mutations.
What does F.A.S.T. stand for?
Face drooping. Arm weakness. Speech difficulties. Time to go to the hospital.
When should you call 911 if someone is having an allergic reaction?
What are the two different types of TBIs?
Closed brain injuries, and penetrating brain injuries
How are some brain disorders dangerous?
The cells in your brain may start to die