Caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart
Treatment for anaphylactic shock
Located at the neck, to be palpated
What is the carotid pulse?
Heart rate of 110
What is tachycardia?
Defined as loss of 15% of blood volume
What is shock?
Stridor, periorbital swelling, rapid and weak pulse
What is anaphylactic shock
Route of administering GTN
What is sublingual?
Writing on a mahjong paper and passing it around for others to write what they know and then presenting to the class
What is the flipped classroom concept
Blood pressure of 150/90
What is high blood pressure?
Can come in tablet or spray
What are the medications for heart attack?
Multiple lacerations on arms and legs, drowsy, weak and rapid pulse
What is hypovolemic shock
To increase blood supply back to the brain during shock
Why elevate the legs?
Kahoot, Quizizz, Polleverywhere
What are some online tools for learning?
What are the risk factors for heart attack?
Initially, the heart compensates for the loss of volume by pumping harder. Beyond a limit, the heart is unable to compensate.
Why does shock present with rapid, weak pulse at first and becomes weak, thready pulse eventually?
52 y/o uncle fell forward. On exam, he complains of left leg and finger numbness.
What is stroke?
Right Patient, Right Drug, Right _____, Right Time, Right _____
What are the right routes and right doses
To be done after a traumatic injury to a limb
What is neurovascular status?
What are the possible causes of chest pain?
Alcohol, drugs, hypoglycaemia, shock, etc
What are the possible causes of confusion/disability?
Weak thready pulse. Name the amount of fluids lost
What is more than 1.5 litres of body fluid?
Dizziness, lightheadedness
What are the side effects of GTN?
Explain what is shock and the 3 types of shock
Shock - Inadequate blood and oxygen supply to the tissues of the body
Types of shock - anaphylactic, hypovolemic, cariogenic
Heart attack, asthma, anxiety, choking, anaphylaxis
What are the possible causes of shortness of breath?
Drugs, alcohol, exercise, medications, shock, heat injury
What are the possible causes of tachycardia?