What are 3 items you should have in your first aid kit?
Bandaids, sterile gauze pads, adhensive tape, moleskin, soap, scissors, aspirin, gloves, mouth barrier device, eye protection, pencil and paper.
What is a closed fracture?
A broken bone that does not cut through the skin.
Body Break
20 jumping jacks.
Who do you call when you find an unconscious victim.
True or False: You should tilt your head back to stop a nose bleed? Explain your answers.
False. Tilting your head back can cause the blood to go to your throat which could cause you to choke. It is better to let the blood come out of your nose.
One thing you should treat every accident victim for?
Body Break
What is a sign of frostbite?
Grayish-white patches on the skin.
What do you do to keep blood flowing out of a wound to a minimum.
Keep the victim laying down.
What do ABC's stand for in first aid?
A - Airway
B - Breathing
C - Circulation
Should you use ice directly on a burn?
No, you should cool the burn with running water instead.
Should you remove clothing from a third-degree burn victim? Why/why not?
No because the clothing may be sticking to the flesh.
What are 3 ways to help a victim with hypothermia?
1. Take victim to shelter.
2. Cover with blankets.
3. Offer hot liquids.
4. Get into dry clothes.
What do you perform is the victims ABS's are not present?
What part of the body do you NOT apply pressure of ice to.
Should you ever move an accident victim with serious injuries before help arrives?
Yes, if the victim is in immediate danger. Ex: out of a river or in the path of a fire.
What does RICE stand for? When is it used?
R- Rest
I- Ice
C- Compression
E: Elevate
Used for helping sprains or strains.
Name 5 steps to treating heat stroke
1. Move victim to cool, shady spot.
2. Cool anyway you can.
3. Keep victim laying down with head and shoulders slightly raised.
4. Monitor victim closely.
5. Get emergency help right away.
Name 2 things you can do to spot severe bleeding.
Apply pressure to the wound and raise the injury above the heart.
Heat exhaustion can quickly turn into ______ ______ if the proper steps are not taken.
Heat Stroke.
What is the "Good Samaritan Law"
A law that protects anyone from making a good faith effort to help a victim.
Why are thigh (femur) fractures especially dangerous?
The upper leg bone is the biggest bone in the body, therefore can cause serious internal bleeding if broke.
Name 5 symptoms of Heat Exhaustion
1. Pale, clammy skin.
2. Nausea.
3. Fatigue.
4. Dizziness/Fainting
5. Headaches
6. Muscle Cramps
7. Weakness
What medication do you give to a victim with a suspected heart attack?
What is the first thing you should do when you approach an emergency situation?