Miscellaneous 1
Sudden Illness
First Aid
Miscellaneous 2

This buoyant piece of rescue equipment should be kept on your body when acting as a Primary Lifeguard?

Lifeguard Tube


The acronym A.E.D. Means?

Automated External Defibulator


This person (on land) is showing signs of changes in L.O.C., convulsions, focal movements of their body parts, vocalizations and/or staring. What is happening and how do you proceed? (Full sentence) 

This person is having a seizure.

Activate EAP move furniture and other objects out of the way. Turn the person onto their side into recovery position and place a towel under their head. 

If the Seizure last more than 5 minutes or is the persons first seizure you need to call EMS.


This person tripped and fell on the ground. By doing this, they received a bloody nose. How do you proceed?

Have the person pinch the bridge of their nose and lean over a trashcan for a maximum of 10 minutes. 

You can roll a price of gauze to place under their nose to catch the blood. 

If it lasts for more than 10 minutes, EMS needs to be called. 


Where is the nearest A.E.D. In the building?

Near Kids Club entrance by the Track


How long should it take you to scan the pool?

More than ___ and no more than ___.

More than 10 seconds and no more than 30 seconds


The acronym F.A.S.T. is what? What is it used for?

Face, Arms, Speech, and Time. It is used to help identify a stroke. 


This person is showing signs of swelling of their face, tongue or lips, trouble breathing, and changes in L.O.C. What is happening to this person and how do you proceed? (Full sentence)

This person is going into Anaphylaxis.

Activate the EAP and instruct someone to call EMS.

If the person is known for having an allergy, you will most likely have to assist in administering an Epi-Pen.

Stay with the person and monitor them until EMS arrive. 


This person fell and lost their tooth. This is an adult and they want it back. You find it, but how do you proceed?

Control the bleeding by placing a rolled gauze pad into the place that the tooth is missing.

Pick the tooth up from the crown not the root and place it in cows milk or the person’s saliva. 

Send the person to the hospital or call EMS. This person needs to have the tooth put back within 30 minutes.  


A child is choking and their parent is not around. This type of consent is called?

Implied consent


How long should it take you to extricate the victim out of the water and start ventilations?

No more than ___.

No more than 2 minutes


Changes in L.O.C. Refers to?

Changes in Levels Of Consciousness


This person is showing signs of isolated and unexplained discomfort on their arms, nausea, dizziness, and heaviness in the chest area. What is happening and how do you proceed? (Full sentence)

This person is having a Heart Attack.

Activate EAP and instruct someone to call EMS.

Have the person rest in a comfortable position and loosen any tight or uncomfortable clothing. Reassure the person.

Be prepared to perform CPR and use an AED


A person has external life-threatening bleeding on their right leg. How do you proceed?

Activate EAP and instruct someone to call EMS.

Place a gauze pad on top of the wound, lock your elbows, and apply as much pressure as possible. 

Have someone get a tourniquet and place it 2-3 inches above the wound, towards the heart. 

Continue to apply pressure until the bleeding has stopped. 

Monitor the person and get ready to treat them for Shock before EMS arrives. 


A child was stung by a bee. How do you proceed?

Ask the parent if the child is allergic to bee stings. 

Remove the stinger and apply anti-sting wipes or liquid to help with pain. 


How many Back blows and Chest thrusts do you do for a choking Adult, Child and Infant?

5  Back blows and 5 Chest Thrusts


What does the Acronym R.I.C.E. Stand for? 





Used for sprains/fractures/broken bones


This person is experiencing a rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, is becoming pale or ashen, and is experiencing excessive thirst. What is happening and how do you proceed? (Full sentences)

This person is experiencing Shock.

Activate the EAP and instruct someone to call EMS. 

Have the person lie flat on their back and maintain their body temperature (cover them if they are cold or remove them from the heat if they are hot)

Do NOT give this person anything by mouth. Even if this person is awake this can increase the risk or vomiting. 

Provide reassurance and continue to monitor the person until EMS arrive.


What are the four types of wounds? Describe them in one sentence.

Abrasion- Scrape on the skins surface

Laceration- Cut from a sharp object that can range from minimal bleeding to severe

Avulsion- When the tissue or underlying skin is torn away (a flap)

Puncture- An object impaled in the skin 


When do you check for airway obstruction while doing CPR on a person who was choking?

After each set of compressions But before you start ventilations. 


What is the Compression to Ventilation ratio for an Infant, Child, and Adult? Alone and 2-person.


30-2 (all)



Child & Infant 15-2


What does the acronym S.A.M.P.L.E. Mean? What it is used for?

Signs & Symptoms, Allergies, Medicine, Past Medical History, Last oral intake and Events leading up to the incident. 

It is used for a secondary assessment to help gather patient history information.


This person is experiencing fatigue, dehydration, heat cramps, dizziness, and cool clammy skin. What is happening and how would you proceed?

This person is experiencing Heat Exhaustion. 

Move the person to a cooler environment with circulating air. 

Loosen or remove clothing as much as possible.

Apply cool wet cloths to the persons skin or spray the person with cool water. 

Have them SIP on cool electrolyte containing fluid such as Gatorade. 


A person has amputated their finger. And is holding it in their other hand. How do you proceed?

Activate the EAP and call EMS

Stop the bleeding on their exposed finger.

Wrap the amputated finger in sterile gauze and place in a plastic bag. Place the plastic bag in a larger container filled with water and ice. 


What is the ventilation ratio for an Adult/child/infant who has a heart beat but no breathing?

Adult:1 every 6

Child & infant: 1 every 2-3
