Role of Provider
Legal Aspects of First Aid
Calling 9-1-1
Checking Victims

Most sudden injuries and illness can be treated by....

First aid providers


Give an example of when you might have a legal duty to step in and provide first aid.

Job requirement (lifeguard, etc)





If you offer help to a victim and they refuse, you should do this next. 

Offer again, then if they still refuse call 9-1-1. 


You should never hang up a 9-1-1 call unless one of these two things happens. 

The dispatcher tells you to hang up, or EMS arrives on scene and takes over.


To check and see if your victim is responsive, you should do this. 

Tap their shoulder and shout, "Are you okay?"


Name two of the four goals of first aid.

1. Alleviate suffering

2. Prevent further illness or injury

3. Preserve life

4. Promote recovery


This is the set of laws that is designed to protect first aid providers.

Good Samaritan Laws


Explain the conditions under which consent is implied. 

Unresponsive victim (adult or child), or a child without a present parent or guardian. 


Give two examples of conditions that could become worse on the way to the hospital. 

1. Excessive bleeding

2. Head/neck injury

3. Broken bone(s)

4. Allergic reaction

5. Labor

6. Diabetic emergency

7. Asthma attack


The mnemonic device "DOTS" refers to things to look for when doing a head to toe exam. What does DOTS stand for?

Deformities, Open wound, Tenderness, Swelling


This is the first step you take when providing first aid. 

Recognizing that an emergency exists. 


Victims have a right to privacy, with some exceptions. Give one example when you might have to report an incident. 

Rape, abuse, gunshot wounds, etc. 


If a child needs professional medical care, but their parent or guardian is not present/cannot be located, this must happen.

Call 9-1-1. NEVER take an unaccompanied child in your vehicle to a medical facility (can be mistaken for kidnapping and open you to legal consequences). 


Name 3 things you need to tell a 9-1-1 dispatcher if you need to call for professional care. 

1. Location

2. Your name and number

3. Brief account of what happened

4. Number of people who need help and scene conditions

5. Victim's description and what is being done.


If you are dealing with a sudden illness and cannot determine the cause, you need to determine this instead. 

Whether the illness is serious enough to require professional medical care. 


When providing first aid, you continue treatment until one of which three events occur?

1. EMS arrives on scene and takes over

2. You transport the victim to a medical facility

3. You determine the person only needs first aid and home care


Give two examples of conditions that must be met to be protected by most Good Samaritan Laws.

Acting with good intentions

Not acting in a grossly negligent manner

Providing care without expecting to be compensated

Staying within the scope of your training


If a parent or guardian of a child that is requiring medical care is present, you must do this before beginning first aid. 

Obtain consent from the parent or legal guardian. 


Name 3 of the 5 questions that might indicate you need to call 9-1-1. 

1. Is the condition life threatening?

2. Could the condition get worse on the way to the hospital?

3. If you move the person, could it cause further injury?

4. Do you need the supplies/skills of EMS?

5. Could traffic cause a delay in getting the person to a medical facility?


When gathering information from a responsive victim, we use the mnemonic device SAMPLE. What does SAMPLE stand for?

Symptoms, allergies, medications, previous medical history, last food/drink, events leading up to injury/illness


People are more likely to get involved in an emergency if they've previously considered what they'd do in that situation. Name three of the ways we discussed that you can develop a "helping attitude."

1. Understand the importance of helping

2. Be confident in your knowledge and skills

3. Be willing to take the time to help

4. Be able to put potential risks in perspective

5. Feel comfortable taking charge at the scene if needed. 

6. Feel comfortable around bodily fluids or distressed people (don't panic)


Abandoning a person who you have started to treat is an example of this.



If you encounter an adult who is mentally incompetent but needs professional medical care or first aid, you need to do this. 

Obtain consent from a parent or legal guardian, or call 9-1-1 and request assistance from law enforcement. 


If a victim is unresponsive but breathing normally, you should put them in this position before calling 9-1-1.

Recovery position (on left side, top hand under cheek, airway open, right knee bent for balance). 


When scanning the body, you should go in this sequence.

Head/neck, shoulders, chest/abdomen, hips, legs and feet, arms and hands
