In an emergency situation, there are three simple steps to guide your actions
What is Check, Call, Care?
You must ask a guardian/parent this before you give first aid to an infant, toddler, school age child, or to an adolescent underage.
What is consent?
occurs when blood flow to part of the hear muscle is blocked
What is Heart attack?
Common choking hazards include.....
What is Foods, and Household objects and toys?
Breathing that is faster and shallower than normal
What is hyperventilation?
4 things that might indicate an emergency
What are unusual sounds, unusual odors, unusual sights, unusual behaviors?
Do this to check the responsiveness of an infant who appears to be unresponsive.
what is tapping the bottom of their feet?
occurs when the heart stops beating or beats to ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs
What is cardiac arrest?
Use this combination when an adult or child is choking
What is 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts?
A chronic illness in which certain substances or conditions, called triggers, cause inflammation and narrowing of the airways, making breathing difficult
What is asthma?
Protects responders who act the way a reasonable and prudent person would act if that person where in the same situation.
What is the Good Samaritan Law?
This is how you check an injured or ill person.
What is from head to toe?
a skill used when a person is in cardiac arrest to keep oxygenated blood moving to the brain and other vital organs until advanced medical help arrives.
What is CPR?
Encourage this if the person choking is able to speak to you or is coughing forcefully
What is keep coughing?
the most common way to take long term control and quick relief for asthma
What is inhalers?
When someone may not be able to grant consent, the law assumes that the person would give consent if he or she were able to do so.
What is implied consent?
The first thing you do when you detect signs or symptoms of illness or injury.
What is calling 9-1-1/emergency number?
provides a shock to the hearts electrical activity long enough to allow the heart to spontaneously develop an effect rhythm on its own.
What is an AED?
You continue giving sets of 5 back blows, and 5 abdominal thrusts until:
What is Coughing forcefully, speak, cry, or breath, or becomes unresponsive?
a chronic condition characterized by the body's inability to process glucose in the bloodstream
What is diabetes?
It can be spread from person to person through direct or indirect contact while giving hands-on first aid.
What is pathogens?
Helps to lower the persons risk for choking and aspiration
What is a recovery position?
How you position AED pads if they are too big for a person to put on the chest and side.
What is front and back?
How you position an infant while giving back blows
What is face down along your forearm?
the result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading to temporary and involuntary changes in body movement, function, awareness, or behavior
What is a seizure?