What Number do you call for emergencies in the US?
What is 911
When you check someone where do you check them first?
What is Head to toe.
What is NO
How would to describe something that can be a choking hazard?
What is a food, object, or small toy
How do you tell is someone is having respiratory distress?
What is someone gasping for breath
What is Unusual Sounds, Unusual Sights, Unusual Smells, and Unusual Behaviors.
What is Aspirin
How many Back blows and Abdominal Thrusts do you do on an adult?
What is 5 and 5
What is Inhalers
What is Protecting someone from a lawsuit if the person being cared for dies.
How do you check for a response on a baby?
What is Automatic External Defibrillator
How do you hold a child when giving back blows?
What is Having one arm supporting them and bending down to be at their height
What are some of the symptoms of an Asthma attack?
What is weazing, coughing, and shallow breaths
What do you put on your hands while giving care to someone who is bleeding?
What is Latex Gloves.
How many chest compressions and breaths do you do during CPR?
What is 30 and 2
When is 4-6 Minutes and 8-10 Minutes
What is reaching into their mouth and removing the object.
What are some of the signs for a Allergic Reaction?
What is Trouble breathing, swealling of the face or neck, tightness in chest or throat, and skin reactions
What is Check, Call, Care.
What is Speaking calm and finding someone who speaks their language
How Many Chest Compressions do you do for an Adult, Child, and Infant?
What is 30 Compressions and 2 breaths.
Do you need Consent to help someone who is choking?
What is no
What is trouble speaking, drooling or difficulty of swallowing, and drooping of one side of the face.