First Aid Definitions
I am a First Aider
Good Samaritan Laws
First Aid Facts

Emergency care provided to an injured or ill person.

What is... First Aid


True or False... As a first aider I can choose to use first aid on someone, or not

What is... true


Good Samaritan Law.

What is a type of law intended to protect first aid providers in the event of a lawsuit?


This is the number you call if there is an emergency.

What is... 911



Who primarily benefits from first aid?

Care given by professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters or police officers)

What is... medical care

True or false... As a first aider, if I start using first aid on someone, I can stop after I started, if I change my mind
What is... false

After ensuring the scene is safe, what is the first thing you should do when initially approaching someone who has suffered an injury.

What is introduce by name and identify yourself as there to give first aid?


Mrs. L falls and you have a strong suspicion she has broken her leg. When you approach her to begin treatment she states "NO, do not touch me". Can you begin treatment in spite of her initial no?

What is... no!  You should keep an eye on her, stay in the area if it's safe, call 911 and stay until they arrive.


Who can provide medical care?

A medical provider which is not the same as a first aider.


Any person who suddenly becomes ill or injured

What is a victim or casualty?

A police officer.

What is the person who has the authority to restrain and transport a person against their will?


What is obtain consent.

What should be done before attempting any treatment to a person in need of assistance?


Call 911 and expect that police officers will also arrive.

What is "what should you do if a person who is involved in an auto accident is suspected of having consumed alcohol and is refusing treatment"?

As a first aid provider, who should be your number one priority?



Unintentional Injuries.

What is the leading cause of death for children and young adults?


The type of employee that is mandated to respond to employees who have had an accident or injury

What is an employee designated by the employer as a responder?


An example of implied consent.

What is assuming any reasonable person would want assistance if they were involved in an accident with injury?


You are on a camping trip during a cold night in the fall. A fellow camper is complaining of chest pain but has eaten spicy chili. You place him in his tent and retire for the night. In the morning, he is found unresponsive and without a pulse. Could you face legal issues due to this scenario?

What is "Yes as you have deviated from standard care"?


If done correctly, what can first aid do?

Save life.

Prevent temporary and permanent disability.


The level of care a first aid provider is expected to give.

What is the level of care expected of someone with first aid training in a similar system, to the best of your ability or to the expected standard?



What is the type of intervention that is the most easy to implement to prevent injuries?

The Principle of Abandonment means that you must do this once you start first aid on a victim.

What is  Remain with the victim until EMS arrives, or you are relieved by another trained person?


Mr. B is decorating his house for Christmas. While doing this he comes into contact with a live electrical wire. You are the first person trained in first aid to come into contact with him. What should you be most concerned about and why?

What is making sure the scene is safe? You cannot help someone else if you are injured yourself.


What is true of first aid?

It is better to know first aid and not need it then to need it and not know it!
